Mi flow

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Mi's P.O.V

I walked to my first period and good thing the teacher wasn't there yet so we had to sit outside I notice that Issa had my first period.

Mi: hay I didn't know you have this class with me let alone go to this school were have you been

Issa: I have been sick *sarcasm*

Mi: oh ok cool

Issa: so I heard you and dig is together now

Mi: yeah

I seen sadness in his eye's then he tried to shake it off by changing the subject

Issa: so what you doing today after school

Mi: um idk probably hanging with mojo

Issa: mojo???

Mi: my dog

Issa: oh ok u should come to Jacob's party tonight

Mi: ummm I don't

Issa: please for me

Mi: boy please

Jacob: hay I couldn't help but over hear but y r u not coming to my party

Mi: because...... ugh fine I will go

Jacob&Issa: good

First period went smooth even though we had to wait outside half the period when the bell rang I got my book and went to my locker then headed to my 2nd period I saw serenity and trinity talking so I decided too make my way over to them.

Mi: hay girls so what we talking about

T&S: about Jacob's party

Mi: why is everyone making such a big deal about this party

T&S: because his party's are known to be the best party's ever

Mi: oh ok

Diggy: hay baby let's go to are seats

Mi: ok bye girls

T&S: aaaawwwww u guys are so cute bye

We sat down and we had to take notes so I got my notebook out and did my notes

Teacher: ok class u guys all know that school is almost done just 9 more weeks then u guys are done with high school.

Class: wwwhhhhhhhooooaaaaahhhhhhhh

Diggy: so after school u should come over and chill with me plus Ronny is here for the weekend

Mi: sounds good hay after that wanna go to Jacob's party because everyone wants me to go so bad.

Diggy: yeah I was just about to say that

~~~ skipping to p.e ~~~~~~~

Gym teacher: ok so as u know the girls signed up for the volleyball team if I call it name come get a shirt and shorts Ashley, Kia, Serenity, Trinity, Amber, Samantha, Brianna, and Mi

Well my day just keeps getting better and better by the minute I got up and got number 2 with some shorts

Gt: ok girls practice Tuesday, and Thursday

Diggy: congratulations

Mi: thanks

After that we just talked because it was a free day when the bell rang Diggy told me to come to his home after I settled in thank goodness it was a early out. I got home and went to my room

Mi: hay mojo how is my big boy doing

I put my bag down and got into something comfortable and laid down watching tv until my phone vibrated

----phone convo------------

Diggy-D Mi-M

D- hay get up and come over here

M- how u know im laying down

D- -_- really I know you and how you are really lazy

M- aaaawww u really do know me hahaha imma b there in a bit

D- k :*

I put on my shoes and made my way to Diggy's house

Ding dong

Diggy: hay beautiful

Mi: hay handsome

Diggy: come in

Mi: ok I will

I came in and saw Roney



We hug and we all sit and laugh and talk about what has happened scene Diggy and I moved up here

Ronney: so I have been doing photography and I take photos of models

Mi: that is so great

Diggy: yeah man but know me and Mi need Time together

Ronney: ok ima b In the kitchen

Diggy& Mi: ok

We go to Diggy's room and it's huge and beautiful

Mi: Diggy it's beautiful

Diggy: thanks but not as beautiful as you

Mi: *blushes* thanks

We just watched tv and he played in my hair then he took my phone

Diggy: u have to give me a kiss a say that I'm the best boyfriend ever

Mi: Diggy give me my phone

Diggy: say it first

Mi: no

Diggy: *tickles her*

Mi: ok oooookkkkkkkkkk ur the best boyfriend ever

Diggy: who is the best boyfriend ever

Mi: Diggy Diggy simmons is the best boyfriend ever

Diggy: ok now kiss

Mi: *grabs phone and trys to run away but fail*

Diggy: were are u going

Mi: *laughing then starts kissing him*

Ronney: *sneaks in and takes pictures of them then leaves*

Mi: we should start getting ready for the party

Diggy: ok

Ronney: hay guy's I wanna show you something *shows them the pictures*

Mi: I like it

Ronney: in a send it to u

Mi: ok

After that I left and went to get dress for the party

[ in the comments is how they look in Ronneys pic he took]

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