Chapter 57

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~9 Months Later~

I woke up the next morning waddling to the bathroom. Yes I'm pregnant again and I'm only 7 1/2 months it was a pain dealing with but its okay.

Damonie: mommy Dj's little friends keep messing with me

Dj: no we are not

Daniel: aye chill before I make your little friends leave and Damonie stop snitch no one likes a snitch

She rolled her eyes and went back to her room. I sat on the bed and looked at Daniel.

Mi: I hope you know we're not having no more kids for a while well at least till all these kids leave the house.

Daniel: well I guess it's back to wearing condoms.

I laughed then laid on my back looking at the ceiling.

Daniel: what do you think we are having

Mi: a girl duh

Daniel: nah it's a boy, come on baby next time we go to the doctors lets just see the sex of him or her

Mi: no I want it to be a surprise

I sat up and crossed my arms over my chest poking my lip out. Daniel looked at me and slid me on my lap and played in my hair.

Daniel: I love you so much

Mi: I love you more.......fine you we can find out the sex next time we go

He got happy and bounced me in his lap

Daniel: yessss were having a girl and a boy. Oh shit

I looked at him with my brow raised then he got quiet

Mi: how do you know we're having a boy and a girl. Daniel you went behind my back and saw the sex of the baby when I told you no wow

I got off his lap and waddled down to the living room I passed the kids room and they weren't in there so I went outside and they were all in the pool I turned on my heel and saw the floor was wet. I opened the door and yelled.

Mi: guys stop tracking water in the house.

They all nodded and I closed the door back I turned and stopped in the middle of my tracks when the dog ran by I smiled and stepped over the water. I don't know how but next thing you know I was on the floor holding my stomach in pain. My vision was coming in and out and all I saw was the boys and Damonie run my way.

Damonie: daddy mommy fell hurry up

I heard Damonie say with tears streaming down her face and the boys were at my side I saw Daniel come my way before everything went all black

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