Chapter 59

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~•1 Year Later •~

We were all in a big truck that Daniel got for everyone to fit in we just came back from Daniel's mom house picking up the kids they have all grown so much it makes me feel old inside. Dallas and Danielle are 1, Dominick, and Daniel Jr. are 6, Destiny is 5 and Damonie is 8 about to be 9 next week big family huh. I don't care because I have the man I love by my side to help me take care of all of them.

Mi: Daniel where are you taking us

Daniel: it's a surprise.

I sat back and looked behind me and they were all sleep in their car seats except for Damonie she says she is to old for it. I turned around and grabbed Daniels free hand.

Mi: I love you and are children.

Daniel: I love you too

I smiled and felt myself fall into a deep sleep. My eyes shot open when I heard Dallas crying I sat up and saw we had stopped. I got out and went to get Dallas. I opened the backseat and he was crying his head off, I picked him up and bounced him up and down on my shoulder. I noticed that the rest of the kids wasn't in the car I looked around and saw that we were parked in front of are old house. The same same house I met Daniel in. Where I fell in love with at. My first kiss and all. I grabbed Dallas blanket and through it over him and walked up to the door I opened it and Daniel was standing there with the kids showing them around.

Mi: I like how you leave my baby in the car alone.

Daniel: I told Damonie to get him

Damonie: I was busy so I told Dj to get him

Dj: hey don't look at me Dominick offered to get him

Dominick: no I didn't Destiny had him

I smiled and looked at Destiny.

Destiny: oh right blame it on the 5 year old huh

We all laughed and I shook my head I walked over to Daniel and he was holding Danielle.

Daniel: follow me

I nodded and followed him outside the kids ran outside and played in the grass.

Daniel: This is the exact spot where has are first kiss.

I smiled and looked back at the house.

Mi: What happened to the house?

There was my old house and Daniels house but now they were collided together to make one big house.

Daniel: I made them into one big house *hold up keys*

I gasped and looked at Daniel

Mi: is this *he nods* oh my gosh baby

I kissed him and heard a lot of 'ew' and 'get a room' I looked and Dj and Damonie was making a face when trouble is near you can always count on Dj and Damonie to be there. I laughed and focused my attention back to Daniel.

Destiny: mommy what's this

She ran over to us and held a box up. I gasped and walked over to her.

Daniel: is that are box

I nodded.

Mi: Dj and Damonie go get Dallas and Danielle's car seat, they nodded and in a few seconds they came back with them both I set Dallas down and opened the box Daniel did the same thing. I opened it and found a whole bunch of letters and a bracelet, and a locket.

Daniel: remember this

He said holding up a necklace, I nodded and smiled. I held up the bracelet I gave him we traded and he wrapped his arm around my neck. The kids surrounded us looking at us and I smiled and kissed Daniel.
Now this is a time to remember.  

Remember the time (Diggy Simmons)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu