the mall

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I finally finished my room now all I have to do is get some pictures because my wall is looking extra dry.

Mi: mom I'm going to the mall for some things for my room ok

Mi's mom: ok ........Hay wait how is u and Diggy doing

Mi: I haven't talked to him since he was here helping us move stuff

Mi's mom: oh maybe he's busy he will come around sooner or later

Mi: I really don't even care though all that was the past this is now he has his friends and I have mine.

Mi's mom: oh ok um what time will you be back

Mi: probably at 6 why

Mi's mom: ok because I have to enroll u into school and take care of some business that u don't need to know so I will be back here by 11 ok

Mi: oh ooookkkkk so you are leaving me in this big house by myself

Mi's mom: no u have mojo here

[ mojo is there dog ]

Mi: ok yeah I will talk to mojo till you get back yeah I'm not a loser at all

Mi's mom: *laughs*

Mi: ok bye mom

Mi's mom: bye

I get into my car which was finally brought from Miami and drive to the mall that I saw when we were driving here.

~ in the mall ~

I got so much cute stuff for my room so I go set it in the car and go back in then I make my way to foot locker for some new shoes then I notice Issa Diggy's friend walking my way.

Issa: hay Mi Wyd here

Mi: hunting elephants u know the usual

Issa: *laughs* I didn't mean it like that

Mi: *chuckles* I know I'm here for some New shoes and I'm here for some things to have in my room.

Issa: oh kool mind if I join you.

Mi: really ok

For the rest of the day me and Issa hung out at the mall clownin on people and ratchet girls After that we went to my place to watch some movies and relax.

Issa: so what up with you and Diggy

Mi: we were best friends when we were little he moved and forgot about me and I forgot about him that's that.

Issa: oh ok damn

Mi: sorry I just don't wanna talk about the past or him

Issa: y

Mi: you really wanna know

Issa: yea

Mi: he promised he would never forget about me and he did

Issa: but u forgot about him to remember

Mi: actually I was playing dumb I could never forget nobody hay u know your a very good listener.

Issa: thanks

Know we are watching tv and Issa wraps his muscular arm's around my waist and I let him I felt safe plus I had all these butterflies in my stomach I just thought am I falling for him nnaaaahhh I'm over reacting or am I when the movie goes off we just look at each other.

Issa: what now

Mi: I don't know

Issa starts to get close then he kissed me I was shocked so I didn't kiss back for the first 2sec then I start kissing him then it get intense and I pushed him on his back now we're having a full out make out session on my couch then we stop.

Issa: I'm sorry I had to I couldn't resist here I will go

Mi: it's ok but yeah I think that's best because my mom will be coming home in a few so yea bye.

Issa: oh yeah and btw u have soft lips

Mi*laughs* thanks

Issa: no prob I will keep in touch

Mi: ok

Before he got in his car he pecked me on my lips and got in the car and drove off. Best day ever.

[ Mi's room is the comments]

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