Chapter 27

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....3 months later.....

Damonie's cut's on her back has healed and Diggy wasn't here because he has to go on tour so now it was Monie and I Diggy would all from time to time to check on us, I can honestly say after the whole kidnapping incident I have been more protective over Monie I have been watching her every move even though I can't alway's follow her around because my feet hurt's or my back, this pregnancy has been a pain,today I was rubbing my belly and I felt the baby kick but the weird thing is when I was rubbing my stomach on the other side I felt it kick again, I shrugged it off then I sat on the sofa next to Monie and we were watching her favorite show Sam&Cat until my phone rang.

Mi: Hello

Diggy:Hey how is my girls doing

Mi: were doing fine what you doing

Diggy: actually I am in New Jersey missing you like crazy

Mi: oh that is nice

Diggy: oh really

Mi: no I mean Jersey but we miss you to

Mi: So how has she been ever since the accident

After the whole Damonie thing we found out that Page had a abortion I guess the baby was to much for her Diggy was mad about it but he came threw.

Diggy: good

Mi: well I gotta go talk to you later

Diggy: WAIT MI

Mi: yeah

Diggy: What are you doing

Mi: About to go to the doctor's because something is wrong


Mi: NO calm down that isn't coming until 4 months from now

Diggy: oh ok

Mi: yeah I have been feeling kicks on one side and on the other

Diggy: oh well tell me everything that happens ok

Mi: ok

Diggy: bye

Mi: bye


Doc: well as you can see on are screen here you are having twins


Doc: yup boy's actually

Mi: Wow um wow thank you for letting me know

Doc: no Problem let me get you the ultrasound photo's and you may leave any time you please

Mi: ok

I looked  at Monie and she was smiling from ear to ear I couldn't help but laugh a little then my smile quickly faded when the thought of me being a single parent taking care of three kids is going to work, I sighed and Got off the table and got my purse and Monie's hand then picked up the picture and left out the Doctor's office.

Monie: Mowmy

Mi: yes baby girl

Monie: I miss daddy

Mi: want me to call him

Monie: Yea

Mi: ok *calls diggy*

Diggy: yeeeeeeesssssssss

Mi: your daughter wants you

Diggy: watch ya want baby girl

Monie: I miss you

Diggy: aw I miss you too I promise I will come out and hang with you all day ok

Monie: otay

Diggy: love you

Monie: love you too

Diggy: bye

Monie: bye

As soon as we got home I went to my room and layed down while Monie was watching tv next to me, I was sleep for a period of time until I felt the baby kick, and boy did It hurt I wanted to cry but they stopped eventually I looked over and Monie was sleep so I covered her up and turned the tv off and fell right back to sleep.

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