chapter 22 ~ history rewrites

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"Wait. Hold on."

Jellal sat up in his seat, staring at the shocked, interrupting blonde with a frustrated face. Just before he was about to unload the biggest news of their lives she had to interrupt him.

"Curse?" Lucy repeated his words, her mind not being able to get past the words he had said. "You mean like... a curse?" She emphasized the word a little more, as if to point out how absurd what Jellal had said sounded.

"Like I said before, you guys aren't going to believe me." Jellal replied. "And this is me putting it in simple terms." He sighed.

"Right..." the blonde replied, readying for the information he was about to unload. "Well at this point I think I'll believe anything." Natsu nodded beside her.

"So...where to start?" The blue haired boy sat back in his seat, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. "Firstly I have a question for you both..."

He sat up, making direct eye contact with the couple.

"Have either of you ever... believed in magic?"

Jellal noted both of their reactions; Lucy's eyes seemed to widen, her brows furowing as if to contemplate whether to take the boy seriously or not. Natsu mouth fell open a little and Jellal could imagine the cogs in his brain turning.

"Magic?" Natsu repeated back to him in a questioning tone. "Like magic tricks? Sure."

Lucy noticed how Natsu's answer only seemed to frustrate Jellal further. He was definitley serious.

"Real magic, Natsu." He responded. "Like, having the power to control ice, or water."

Natsu snorted. "Ice seems like a pretty lame thing to be in control of."

Jellal held in his reaction to Natsu's words, simply rolling his eyes and sitting up in his seat. He leaned forward, resting his elbows in his knees.

"What about you Lucy?" Jellal continued as he noticed her lack of contribution.

"Do I believe magic is real? I dont know." She responded honestly. "But from the life I've lived so far I'd say magic seems far from close by."

"Okay, but what about everything you've both experienced since the graduation... the restarts and time skips..." Jellal went on to reason. "You think that's normal?"

"Wait - so are you trying to tell us magic is real or something?" Natsu piped, his forehead creasing as his eyebrows furrowed in question.

"That's not even the start of it." Jellal mumbled.

"I mean, sure all of these skips and restarts are absolutely insane and make no sense in the real world..." Lucy spoke, "honestly I was just hoping I've been in a coma all this time and I'll wake up and everything will be fine." She laughed. "But now knowing that this is just as real to Natsu as it is to me makes that seem a lot less realistic..."

"Yeah, you're not in a coma. And this isnt the real world." Jellal spoke. "But... there's a hope.. that you guys can just wake up and everything will be fine."

"What are you talking about?" Natsu questioned. "You're making no sense at all, man."

Lucy nodded in agreement. She wa utterly baffled.

"Right. I'm just going to lay out all the facts. You guys can react how you want but this is serious and this is real." Jellal sighed.

"We're in a curse. Right now.

None of what we're experiencing right now is happening in real life, it's more like... an illusion, I guess..

and it's been like this since the beginning, since we were cursed."

"So you're saying that everything that's happened since the graduation is because of a curse?" Natsu asked.

Jellal let out a big sigh as he dragged the palms of his hands down his face. This was going to be hard to explain.


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I'm so sorry for the CLIFFHANGER I left y'all on. I'm going to try and update the rest of the book to completion as soon as possible!!

I hope everyone is okay and staying safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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