Chapter 2 - old friends, new friends.

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Lucy's car choked to a start as the girl turned the key in the ignition whilst simultaniously attempt to buckle her seat belt. Mavis and Zeref stood in the doorway of the house, waving their farewells to Lucy as she began pulling out of the large driveway. Mavis wiped a tear as she leaned her head across Zeref's shoulder, a sweet smile painted across her lips.

"She's all grown up now." Mavis spoke, sniffling through her nose as a few more tears fell.

"School, College and now University..." Zeref trailed, eyes locked on the coffee coloured car as it made for the exit. "Her parents would be so proud."

"Yeah, they really would."

Lucy yelled a goodbye out of her car window as she rolled down the road, in the direction of her 'new' home. She denied the maps that Mavis had printed out for her, insisting she knew the way to the UNI on her own - in fact, she knew the route very well... possibly because she's traveled it many times... or so she thought she had.

Lucy made her way to the destination like the car was on autodrive. Her hands automatically turned the wheel at each needed turn, headed straight when her brain told her to and took any shortcuts that she had etched into the back of her mind. She really did know this route off by heart. So... she couldn't be crazy right?

When Lucy eventually parked up and made her way into the reception to sign in, her heart started to thud harder in her chest. Every single detail, was exaclty how she thought it would be. The large empty room with boring, white walls and a single reception desk in the centre.

'Mira!' She thought as she nearly bolted over through the excitment of seeing her friend. As Lucy stood infront of the desk, the recptionist looked up; her white hair poured down the pale skin of her shoulders, the dark pink of her strappy dress complimenting the blues of her eyes, and lastly, the broad smile wore across her lips. It was a smile lucy had never forgotten.

"Hey there, I'm Mira!" The girl spoke, her hand reaching out to shake Lucy's. But the blonde froze, a little stumped by the sudden intrution of her happy thoughts. She definitley remembered Mira, but Mira had no idea who Lucy was. She knew it was coming but it still stabbed her heart.

Lucy took in a deep breath, before reaching out her hand to give the girls' a dainty tug.

"I haven't seen you around here. Have you just enrolled?" Mira asked, the glasses at the tip of her nose sliding down slowly. She lifted her hand, taking a moment to push them up before reconnecting the lost eyecontact with Lucy.

"I-uh, yeah. Yeah, just enrolled." Lucy stuttered. God this was weird.

"Great, well just hand me your papers and I'll get you your key!" She replied.

Lucys eyes widened. Crap! The papers! Where she hell had she put them last time? Her hands dived into her bag, searching for the papers in a panic. Soon enough, her hand brushed against the folder she kept them in and your heart rate slowed. Thankyou past me for being organised! She thought.

She handed them to Mira carefully, knowing what was about to come next as her lips curled up at the edges.

"This is great! You're actually next door to me in room 310!" She spoke, a wide smile across her face.

"Oh wow! So you're a student too?" Lucy frowned as the words flew from her own mouth. Of course Mira was a student. She knew that. She was one of her best friends who took health care, maths and business.

"Yeah, the school has jobs that students can take to earn a little money. I took one of the receptionist jobs but there's plenty of others like laundry and library duty."

The Flat Friends (ROOM MATES BOOK 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant