chapter 21 ~ knock knock knockin

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Lucy felt the air stiffen as she followed Jellal through the rooms of his apartment. The blue haired boy barely exchanged a single word with the pair until he'd led them into the lounge area and offered them a seat on the sofa.

"Any drinks?" Jellal asked as he sauntered over to the open-plan kitchen that connected to the sitting area.

Lucy almost felt baffled at his nonchalance, perhaps due to the fact he had invited them into his home with the sentence 'I've been expecting you' - which to Lucy, was a little unsettling.

"Oh, uh, no thankyou." Lucy had replied, she didnt want this experience to be any longer than it had to if she was honest.

"I'll take one hot chocolate! And extra marshmallows if you have em!" Natsu grinned, perhaps in Lucy's opinion he hadn't really read the room. She rolled her eyes at his ignorance.

"You know this isn't a cafe Natsu." Jellal chuckled at Natsu's 'order', a smile falling upon his face that reminded Lucy of old times. He still went on to make the fiery boy a drink anyway.

"You got any snacks?" Natsu simply replied as if he hadn't even heard Jellal - he was too busy rummaging through some magazines that lay on the small coffee table ahead.

Lucy covered her mouth as a smile stretched across her face. She couldnt help but revel over Natsu's personality. Somehow he had the shortest attention span known to man.

It wasnt long before Jellal approached the two sat down at the sofa, holding a hot cup of hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows) and a bowl of spicy chips for Natsu.

Natsu mindlessly munched away, despite the more serious aura that seemed to settle across the room.

"So.. you said you were expecting us?" Lucy piped as Jellal took a seat opposite the pair and crossed one leg over the other.

"Of course." He spoke, as if it was a silly question. Natsu's eyes flicked up from his current distraction of food and settled on Jellal. "You're here about the skipping right? The jumps? Restarts?" Jellal continued.

Lucy felt her heart palpitate - like the feeling when you slowly creep up a tall roller coaster ride and suddenly drop down really fast. She had no words to reply and could only stare in Jellals direction with an open mouth.

"Wait, you know about that?" Natsu asked, placing his drink down on the table to give his full attention. His words seemed to voice exactly what Lucy was thinking.

"Yep, I know. It's a pretty unbearable experience for me too..." Jellal replied, leaning back in his chair to slouch a little. "And I guess for anyone else who is aware of what is happening."

"But what is happening?" Lucy spoke, finding her voice after letting it sink in that her and Natsu weren't actually alone in this and just maybe she wasnt insane. "And why am I what triggers it all?"

It was unexpected when Jellal let out a deep laugh at Lucy's comments. He sighed as he caught his breath, only causing Lucy's temper to flicker a little - was he not taking her seriously?

"I couldn't explain it to you even if I tried." Jellal finally spoke. "Theres no way you two could even comprehend what is happening.".

"Hey are you tryna say we're stupid?" Natsu fired, frowning at Jellal completely unbeknownst to the moustache of whipped cream that lay across his top lip.

"Not at all Natsu." Jellal replied with a smile. "Its just.. considering the situation, it may not be the best idea to explain to you guys exactly what is happening yet."

"So you expect us to just go on with our lives? You know exactly what is happening here, but you wont tell us and want us to just pretend nothing is happening?" Lucy exploded, her face fuming. "After all we've been through - a whole two years of our lives erased and no one remembers but us! Its insane!" She continued.

'This is exactly the reason I cant explain it yet." Jellal explained as he ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Look, I can put it in simple terms, but neither of you and ever going to believe me. Not yet anyway."

"Try us." Lucy responded as she leaned forward and placed her chin in her hands and Natsu nodded eagerly beside her.

"Right. Well then here we go." Jellal responded. "But you might wanna buckle up... because this is gonna be a lot to take in."

If it wasnt for Natsu pretending to put on a fake seatbelt as he sat beside her, Lucy's brain may have just exploded from the overload of information to come - but thankfully, with a chuckle she calmed and the pair prepared themselves for whatever Jellal had to say.  (a/n: this made me laugh so much because I can just see Natsu doing that)

"So, I guess I'll start from the beginning." Jellal sighed as he leaned back in his seat and got comfortable. "...before the curse."


Sorry for the short chapter but I thought smaller and more regular would be nice lol



The Flat Friends (ROOM MATES BOOK 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora