chapter 19 ~ leave the city

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Lucy's finger slammed against the elevator's button over and over. She knew from countless times experience that it definitely didnt make it go any faster - but she tried regardless. She squinted her eyes and frowned as she did it, attempting in summoning enough brain power so she maybe could just teleport outside the dorm room door.

The blonde sighed.

If only.

The elevator stopped with a ding and snapped Lucy from her distant imagination. She slipped her way through the opening doors impatiently; suitcase dragging on the floor behind her. All that matter was being fast.

As she approached her dorms door she prepared for impact. Any second now Natsu would hastily open the door and bump right into her!... right?


Lucy blinked.

She stood outside the door.

Yet nothing happened.

She hesitated as her hand hovered unsteadily above the doors handle; heart sinking in her chest.

Something was wrong.

Usually Natsu would've barged out the doorway bumping into her by now and started apologising like crazy.

Her hand lingered; as if the longer she took to actually open the door the less she had to accept that Natsu might not be there. Maybe she was just a little early? Maybe he would be coming to her any second? Maybe...

Lucy shook her head, hand firmly gripping on the doors handle; she may have a bad feeling about this, but she needed to get it over with and find Natsu again.

She opened the door, turning the key more quickly than ever and stepped into the dorm.

"Natsu?" Was the first thing she called, but the all too still air of the apartment called no reply back to her.

She felt a shiver stipple across her skin as she entered, it was cold - like no one had been home in a while.

The front door clicked closed behind Lucy as she headed further into the apartment.

"Natsu? Are you here?" She called again, hoping that somewhere inside perhaps he was just deep asleep in bed.

She soon discovered he wasnt however, as she peered into his bedroom to see a made bed that hadn't been touched - at least not since the restart.

Her hands ran across her face as she let out an exasperated sigh.

She had soon after spyed all the rooms in the apartment and much to her disappointment, found no Natsu anywhere.

She felt hopeless; a piece of her was missing and no matter how hard she looked she could be reconnected. What could she possible do?

Lucy tried to think as she moved her definitely over packed suitcase into her room - pondering over what would be her next step. Could Natsu be in the same place they were before the restart? Before the kiss..?

Well there was no chance she could find her way there - they had been in the middle of nowhere! The blonde sighed aloud as she headed toward the dorm rooms door with keys in hand.

The only thing she could do now was search some more of the campus.

"The library!" Lucy whispered to herself after 10 minutes of aimlessly sauntering down corridor after corridor of the university's campus. For some reason it hadn't crossed her mind - until she saw the familiar doorway and yellow walls that drew her eyes in.

The Flat Friends (ROOM MATES BOOK 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant