Chapter 11 - photograph

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Well well well
Didnt I leave you guys on a cliffhanger...
I am the WORST.
I'm so sorry
Its been a long year okay haha

"J-just look at this."

The passing cars on the road beside them felt louder than ever. Lucy's breathing felt heavy and her heart beat was deafening.

Why wasn't he saying anything?

She turned her head to face him, her hand trembling as she continued to hold the picture in line with his gaze.


His face gave away nothing; it was a blank canvas. She needed a response! Why was he giving no response!?

"Natsu say someth-"

"Where did you get this?" His voice abrupt.

Lucy stared at him, his face changing into that of... No, she couldn't read him. Was it fear... or shock... or?

"I found it. In my room. Do you remember Natsu? Do you remember that day?"

She felt a glimmer of hope in her heart. She had to. What else did she have. Without hope, everything was pointless.

He continued his gaze, eyes locked on the image, unmoving.

"I... I don't know!" He yelled in frustration. "How does this exist! Do I have a twin or something! Aw man I don't believe this, I've had a twin all this time and I never knew." He mumbled


"He looks just like me! I have to meet him!" He continued to mumble under his breath as his hand latched into his thick hair and grasp the locks in frustration and thought.

"Natsu no-" Lucy piped but he kept on going.

"I wonder if he's called Natsu too, or if he knows who I am! Hahaa the pranks we could pull!" He grinned as his mind kept going in circles.

"NATSU! No! This isnt your twin. You don't have a twin okay?"

Though Lucy's heart warmed a little inside, that sounded a lot like her old Natsu - but she had to keep explaining. The boy stopped his rambling and turned to Lucy. Then turned back to the photo and back to Lucy.

"Wait a minute! That's you too!" He pointed at the image and then back at Lucy.

The Polaroid slipped through her fingers as he took it by the corner and held it up against her face. His eyes flickered between both, obviously comparing the two in similarity. Yep it was definitley her.

"Natsu." Lucy sighed, grasping the boys arm that held the photo and bringing it down to his legs. "Listen to me" His eyes focused on hers.

"I have to tell you something, and I know it will sound insane but this picture is the only proof I have okay?"
He nodded, all his attention on her.

"This is a picture of us. We took it nearly two years ago on our first date." She paused to mumble under her breath - "Well technically it was two years ago because it hasn't happened yet? But then again it has happened and you just don't remember it, or I'm in  completley  different world or-" she shook her head, she was getting ahead of herself. "Anyway!"

"Wait a minute," Natsu began. Her ajar mouth closed to let him speak. It worried her that his brows were furrowed and his eyes held no kind of remembrance. But she didn't have time to worry right now! Her only option was to tell him and see if he remembered. If it resulted in her restarting again then atleast she tried. "So you're saying... that this is a photo of us? Us us? Like us two right now?"

Lucy nodded.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I've lived this life before. I've been to university for two whole years. And I made friends with everyone, Gray, Levy and even Erza!"

His eyes momentarily widened at the mention of the redheads name. She must've really had an effect on these guys... Lucy thought.

"... but you were all a little different. I mean, Levy. She was one of the nicest people I knew! Wouldnt hurt a fly!" Natsu tsked. "And Gray, for starters he took any opportunity to take off his clothes! And Juvia was the one obsessed with him! But in answering your question, that's how I know Erza... but its a different one to the Erza you know!"

Natsu's hand moved to his chin as he rubbed it in thought. His face was concentrated, eyes still locked on the blondes.

And that's when he burst into laughter.

Okay I know it's  short chapter but its a start! Can't leave you guys hanging anymore! Although... I guess I kinda have again with this chapter...
Oops! Heheh
At least I won't disappear for a year this time... I hope gihi

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