Will I Ever Be... (Part 1)

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For the past several months
Everything went to shit
I fell down, real deep down
Into a bottomless pit

While outside life went on
Rays of sun, golden light
Turns to orange, then auburn
Where September leaves fight

But inside my isolation
Everything stands kind of still
Like a bear in hibernation
So numbed out I feel no thrill

You should live life in colour they say
But how, if everything's so grey

Just out of pure boredom
I cut my own skin
But when I cut too deep
I just smiled a wide grin

What was I so enthusiastic about?
What was my intention with that?
Inside of the void I just wanted to shout
But my neighbors found that idea bad

Shakespeare 2.0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें