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My pure, untouchèd soul doth bear no doubt,
For never have I ever been betrayed.
If’t‘ me my husband faithfulness has vowed,
His thoughts in his sweet words see I portrayed.
For I am wife to such a noble man,
Still not corrupted by white men’s belief,
That women art inferiour to them,
My trust in him rewards me with relief.
Now vow I to be loyal from the heart,
So not by jeal’sy be he scarred! 

O woman, what naive a mind
Can think so idealised of love?
Thy husband is one of a kind,
He loves the women and he loves them rough.
I know, he swooned my wife, my love Emilia
Within the blink of Jove’s watching eye.
What’s it, that makes women feel negrophilia?
They sleep with virgins as oft as they lie.

Thou art but just a sad and anxious man!
Distrust thy wife? What sinful superstition!
The day, our world and everything began,
The snake gave us against our God suspicion.
Thy blood hath mixed with that evil snake’s poison,
As for suspecting any is no reason.


Skipping a few centuries of war and industrialisation,
Living now in a globalised world, connected, intertwined,
A new wave of distrust between the ethnicities swept the nation.
We may be modern, but we didn't turn out to be kind.

Not kind? Say what? We are generous!
Charities are flourishing more than ever!

Donating money via some random company’s dangerous.
The money reaches the people, who need it, nearly never.
Regarding the topic of jealousy, which today is a common occurrence,
That society never sees problems with; jealous behaviour’s called sweet.
Although we often conceal it and try to brush it off with negligence,
We interpret jealousy of our partner as compliments; we like to compete
With competitors, who wouldn’t even call themselves that,
Because they don’t know about the imaginary battle in your head.

Whatever, dude, true love is a myth!
Nothing lasts forever, stop aiming for bliss…
You’re the joy of your moments‘ blacksmith,
You must seize the day, before we spiral into the abyss.

Those nihilistic statements perfectly reflect our current situation.
Our main intention’s not opening up to each other; what temptation!
When will we realise, that we’ve already had the great epiphany,
That hatred, love and jealousy are all parts of a whole symphony?


I love Shakespearean English. Originally this was intended to be from the perspective of Desdemona and Iago in the first half, but I realised, that except for those details, such as Othello being black, it doesn't really matter, who says it.

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