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Lingering in the darkest corner of my mind
A hidden desire lures me in
'Tis only in solace, salvation I find
I can't let the demon inside of me win
My whole life I've kept it underneath
Dissatisfaction I simply gulped down
'Twas in my youth, that it began to breathe
I had an outlet compensating my frown

Drawing a pattern of red on my wrist
Drinking liquids, that condense to a mist
That blurs out my thoughts.
There was this guy, that I've kissed
Although neither wanting to nor liking him,
Which finally brought me to the brim
Of not knowing, what to do anymore.
The brim of not wanting to live anymore.
The light in my heart was already dim.

As I grew older, I thought, it had gotten better.
Oh, how couldn't I have noticed?
That although I decided, it didn't matter,
My new outlets weren't better in the remotest?

And if I listen to certain songs
Energetic riffs played on an electric guitar
I realize, something's not, where it belongs
A piece of my mind is away, very far.
Those songs then wake up my desire,
That I so arduously have put to sleep,
And it proceeds to burn like a fire,
Burning, what was, where my sanity I keep.

Suddenly I want to go on a rampage
And seriously don't wanna act my age
I want to dye my hair in every colour of the rainbow
I want to sink into layers of snow
I want to say "fuck you" to all of my teachers
I want to come out to catholic preachers,
Just to witness their utterly shocked reaction,
When I don't try to pay for redemption.

Inside of me, there's this urgent need to scream
Scream until my lungs give up
Scream so loud, that a wine glass shatters
Scream until everything goes black
And then nothing really matters


I wanted to convey a certain energetic feeling, this feeling of an urge from deep within to do something, to express yourself, while you just laze around, doing nothing at all.

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