Some people will die young

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Everybody knows
That death is inevitable
Still we are unaware
That it's uncomfortable
We push the thought away
For when we're old and grey

But sometimes life ain't fair
Not everyone gets old
Some people will die young
That, everyday we're told
That it applies to us
We're not gonna discuss

This is what only happens
In countries far away
To people, you don't know
That are not meant to stay
But what're you gonna do,
When the reaper comes to you?

It doesn't happen fast
You don't crash in your car
The pain is long to last
And salvation is far
"Why is it always me?
Was I not meant to be?"

You think this is the worst?
Imagine something else:
You lost a friend, you cursed
That in a coma dwells
You told him to piss off
That you just had enough

"Can he please make it through?"
You can't take back those words
He knows, they were not true...
Or does he? Noone asserts
If he does not survive
How will you ever apologize?

That's the thing...
You won't
You fucked up
Now you plead for his survival
And there's nothing you can do

You wouldn't wanna end up there
So think before you speak
The people, whom about you care
They won't stay for eternity
Don't let your last conversation
End in irreversible aggravation

Shakespeare 2.0Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora