I chuckled. "Yeah. It meant that you were horny and I was drunk. A perfect combination for a hot mind blowing sex. Because that's what it is; Sex."

"What do you think will happen to you if you let your guard down? That I would use you? If you haven't been noticing, I actually love you, Jenna. And I have done things to make you know how much I love you. How much I want you to heal, Jenna. Why can't you just let it go?"
I hadn't realised that in the middle of this confession, he had already stepped closer to me and I felt his hand cup my cheek.

For a second, I felt like throwing my arms around him and cry out like I had always shamelessly done.

But I shrugged instead. Because I can't stand not being a fulltime bitch.
"Because, there's nothing to let go."
I reached behind and zipped my gown, picked up my purse and turned to leave.

On my way out, I came face to dace with Lala. She slowed down her pace and stared at me.

Oh, God. Not this one again this morning. I thought and gave her a bitchy smile.

"I still need to process the fact that you are always here whenever I come around. And it is killing me. I'm still fighter ng the urge to  bash your head against something."
She said.

"Awwn. Should I be scared? You should he scared of me, Lala. I'm a destroyer."
I told her.

"Wow. News flash. I'm not scared of you. How about that?"

I simply smiled and walked past her.

"But I still believe I should thank you. For the lift last night. But don't forget that I will still kill you, if you plan to have Heart damaged like every other thing you touch."

The smile I had from the appreciation for the lift, suddenly died down when she made that last note.

I walked out without looking back. Hoping to hear from her again, the next time she comes to me with a gun to fulfil that promise.  Because I had just damaged Heart.


Melanie's POV

I smiled when I heard Maya laugh at something TJ said about hating carrots.

She nodded and picked out the carrots from her own food with a smile at her grandson. They have been getting along lately pretty well. I didn't expect this to happen.

Derrick had picked me up from Lala's this morning for breakfast with the family. Lala didn't come because she wanted to make a quick visit to Heart's. I'm guessing she's still avoiding Kendrick. I still don't know why she wouldn't just talk to the guy.

I heard he's dating a beautiful and rich heiress to a popular shoe company, which also had connection with the Jacobs.

Her name is  Isime or Isi something.

Maybe that's what getting Lala's dander up about him.

"Okay, then we are even."
Maya's voice sliced into my thoughts.
I looked up, smiling at her and TJ. The little boy smiled up at me.

"In your face, mum."
He said.

I gasped. Maya laughed and so did every other Jacob at the table. It was a full house. Except AJ and Jenna, who were somewhere unknown to me.

"TJ, I will spank you so hard ,you won't sit up for weeks."

Maya gasped. "That's a hard word to tell a little boy, Melanie."

"Mum, you need to know how he talks most times. I'm sure you will support me."

"I admire African mothers most times, Melanie. But sometimes children can be very smart mouthed, if you would put it that way, sometimes. Threatening them won't make it any better."

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