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Melanie's POV💕

Okay was my eyes playing tricks on me? What the hell is Jenna doing here with the Jacobs? Is she related to them?

Will it sound stupid to say that I haven't seen Jenna since that night? Oh, maybe a bit weird but it is the truth. I hadn't seen her since the night of that...

I brushed off the thought from my mind when Derrick walked up to me. He was smiling. Something wasn't right here.
These people weren't even my class and I just know something is wrong.

"Hello, Melanie. You made it."
He said, smiling.

I wanted to say something but my eyes strayed to Jenna again. She grinned at me and walked up to Derrick, her arms linking itself with his as if they were a couple. I wonder why I expected him to do something about that. But he didn't.

"Hey. Melanie."
Jenna said.

I nodded. "Hey, Jenna. I'm really surprised to see you here."
I looked at AJ for help but she just shrugged.

The room was suddenly silent and everyone seemed as if they were waiting for something bad to happen.

"Um...Mel, this is the owner of the house. Well, her parents own the place and she's back to Nigeria for good. And I don't know why she is throwing a house warming party for a place that she has lived in."
AJ said and laughed.

Jenna turned to me. "You have changed. I heard that you have a son."

I swear, I saw AJ freeze at that spot and everyone remained silent.

"Yes, I do."
Okay, my guess is; AJ probably told her.

"How is he? Why didn't you come with him?"
She asked and looked at Derrick with a smile.

"He went for a birthday party. But if you want to meet him, maybe next time."

Jenna looked around again. "We all want to meet him. Right guys?"
She asked looking around.

"Come on, Melanie. Let's go."
Derrick detached himself from Jenna and took my hand. But Jenna stopped him again.

"Oh, wait. She hasn't..."

"Leave it, Ivy."
Tammy said at once. Jenna sent the lady a death stare.
Ivy? Would it hurt to call her Ivie?

In a heartbeat, I was walking down the hallway with Derrick. He looked serious.

"So, you want to show me around the house for a reason?"

He laughed. "No. I just wanted to spend time with toy before my sister finds a reason to have you."

Those words ran through me. I smiled at him.

"Is Jenna your friend? I didn't know she is close to you?"

"Nope. She's my cousin. And yes, we are really close."
He said and led me into a room. He shut the door and I walked into it, looking around.

I turned to find him leaning against the wall, legs crossed and arms folded.

"This is beautiful, Derrick."
I said in a whisper. He heard it and chuckled. It is a painting of two elderly people. I don't know much about art but I love this one.
"Are they yours?"

He nodded. "Part of my work."

I turned to look at him. "You're a painter?"

"Nope. I'm an architect. And I love to paint too."

Wow. "TJ loves to paint. He has that great passion for painting too."

Derrick smiled. "Tell me about TJ. How is he?"

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