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Melanie's POV

By the time I opened my eyes, I was already in a dim lit room, I could hardly remember coming in here.

But then I remembered that Jenna had said something about taking me to a safe place to get better.

I groaned. It wasn't easy drinking. But then I was still thinking of how I had fallen asleep so early with just a bottle of mild alcohol.

I sat up to take in my surrounding. I wasn't hearing the  sound of music so, I knew I wasn't in the club anymore.

I need to get to Lala before it is too late. I looked around for my phone and it was nowhere to be found.

I walked to the door on wobbly legs, but then a hand pulled me back.

"Easy, pet. Where the hell do you think you're going?"

I paused. I'm not the only one in here? Fear washed over me and I turned around to look at him. There was no way I could see his face, the room was very close to dark.

The light must have been turned to its lowest because I was really trying to find the door.

Strong hands pulled my weight and I hit a hard surface, the smell of alcohol swimming into my nose, making me gag.

This guy is drunk!

I tried to push away from him, the thought of being abused tonight, was frightening me a lot.

I heard a low laughter from the stranger and he groaned. "Easy. Don't you want to have a taste of me before you leave? They said you will be nice to me. I'm disappointed, sweetheart."
He said

I shook my head. "Please. . .No. Don't, please."
I pleaded in shaky voice.

I heard a whistle from the other end of the room and two people laughing.

God, I'm not alone in here! There are more men!.

"Stop. Please, let go!"

He laughed. "Really? Not before I have a taste. Why are you like this? Lighten up, sweet."
He said and chuckled.

His lips touched my neck and I  tried to shrink back. "N. . .No."

"I love the way you smell. Fuck. You smell like flower. I love this flower. What's your name, beautiful?"
He asked, while kissing my neck.

I know it didn't sign up for this. Not rape! Not on my birthday!
Where the hell was Lala? Where is Jenna?! Why did she bring me here?!

I tried to push away from him. He groaned again and crashed his lips with mine, in a savage kiss.

I pushed against his chest and scratched my nails on his chest.

"Damn. You like it rough, huh?"

I shook my head and whimpered.

"I like it rough too, baby!"
A voice said from the darkness and there was another laughter.

He crashed his lips to mine again and I deliberately bit his lips. He stepped back and I guessed that he was shocked because there was a brief second of silence before I felt his hands around my wrist, pulling my body forward, causing me to hit his chest.

"You want a little punishment for that? Didn't they tell you, that's a dick move for me, bitch?"
He said and the next I knew, I was already on the bed. More like, he threw me on the bed, my efforts to run off proved abortive.

The guy was so strong. Unfortunately stronger than me. Who am I kidding? I don't weigh a thing and I know it.

"Please, stop. I beg you, stop!"
I cried out in fear.

He fell on me, yanked my legs apart. It was easy for him to get access to my panties because my gown was hiked up the moment he pushed my legs apart.

I heard the tearing sound of a thin material which happened to be my pantie.

I felt his breath on my face. "You want to act tough, bitch? You want to turn me on more than I already am? Well, you got it."
He said and tore the top of my dress, revealing my thin bra which he succeeded in tearing too, with little effort.

I felt one of his hand hold my hands up above my head, pinning them to the mattress, while the other went down between my legs and dug in.

I screamed out I'm pain and begged him to stop.

The others cheered him and encouraged him. The whole drama seemed like there was a ritual going on and I felt like a sacrificial lamb.

A dying sacrificial lamb.

"God, it hurts!"
I screamed when his dick pushed into my opening, more like tearing into my tight vagina.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I begged him to stop. He seemed determined to satisfy himself with how fast and hard he was pushing into me. It felt like a thousand knives digging into my body.

All I could hear was the encouraging shouts and laughter and the sound of his breathing as he pushed in and out of me.

I felt like a dead leaf. Or a dried vegetable, waiting for the final wind to blow me away and kill me before he was done.

It was like my body was lying there wide awake, yet I was already dead. Dead in my body and soul.

I was probably dead, because when the second, third and fourth came to have their rounds, I was already gone.

What did I do to deserve this? Whom did I offend? How did I end up here and like this?
These were the thought running through my mind. And the next thought was to die.

It felt like an eternity before I felt hands lift me up and out of the room. I felt sticky. With blood and sperm.

And most of all, I felt shattered. . .in a million pieces. . .

Melanie's POV

By the time I was done replaying the painful part of my rape, tears already covered my eyes and I was blood shut with rage.

I turned to AJ and screamed, pulling at her, ready to kill her.

Tammy reached over and held both my hands. My face was covered in tears and all I wanted to do was kill her, no matter the consequence.

"How could you do this to me!"
I snapped at her.

"I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?! For ruining my life?! Of all the people who could hurt me, I never expected you to be one of them, AJ!"

"I tried to make amends. I really tried. It was my fault. I regret what I did that night. Derrick was the only one who didn't use a condom. Hence, TJ. He was wasted and drunk. When I found you years later, I wanted to make amends. I told Derrick, he wanted to see you and there was no way I could get closer to you. We weren't talking then. I had to watch you closely. I found out that you were so close to Lala and I went through her. I felt that if I got close to you, I should start with getting close to her. I'm so sorry."

"You are not my friend. You don't deserve to be anyone's friend!"
I stepped out of the car.

AJ rushed out and held my hands. "Please, Mel. Don't push me away. I grew to love you. . ."

"You don't deserve to be with anyone. You bitch! You disgust me!"
I pushed away from her and walked away, ignoring her calls.

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GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें