I lean up and kiss him once more like he asked for. "I love you," I say.

He smiles and kisses me again before walking out of the door. I quickly go around the room once more to double check nothing was left behind. Once a few minutes have passed, I grab my suitcase and throw my backpack on and head downstairs.

I drop off the keys and head outside, my fingers gripping the handle of my small suitcase. I glance down at my phone, watching the little car on the Uber app head in my direction. A notification pops up and my eyes read it quickly.

Ross: I miss you already

I tighten my hand around the handle, one tear rolling down my face quickly. I glance up to look around the parking lot to find his car. He winks at me through the windshield.

Ross: no crying!!

Hayley: I don't want to leave here without you

I haven't really allowed myself to cry in months, but it all feels like it's going to come pouring out any second.

Of course as I'm in public and in front of Ross.

I watch as my Uber driver pulls up. He steps out and walks to the back, greeting me with a hello then putting my suitcase in the trunk.

I get into the backseat, my hands gripping my phone.

Ross: (1): attachment

I open my texts to find a flight confirmation in five days. Ross Lynch, departing LAX 1:24 PM. Arriving DEN 3:30 PM.

Hayley: wow, I'm so in love with you

I glance out of the window again as we turn onto the highway, the countdown already beginning in my head.


The next few days seemed to take forever to pass. I worked and did homework, trying desperately to clear up the weekend so we can have no interruptions. I managed to convince my coworkers to switch shifts with me. I work Friday until 4 which isn't bad since Ross lands shortly before that.

"Why do I have a feeling I'm slowly losing you more and more as the weeks go on?" Mike asks, watching as I cross the bookstore to put the cart away.

I close the side door. "Because I suck. So much has been going on lately, I'm sorry," I apologize and begin sweeping.

"What are your plans once you graduate?" He asks then shuts the register.

I give him an awkward smile. "I think I'm going to move to Los Angeles," I admit, holding the broom in my hand tightly. "I was going to tell you soon."

"Shit, no way," he replies.

I nod slowly. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Life has been crazy lately so I'm sorry I've been slacking. Life is throwing curveballs, but I'm trying to not make it hard on you."

"I think we are going to close down the shop soon," he admits suddenly.

I quickly glance over at him. "What? What do you mean? Why?"

"We don't really get business. Look at my hand, Hayley... this is a solid fucking fifty bucks," he replies and showing the cash in his hand as proof. "Maybe another fifty on card transactions."

I frown. "I'm sorry, Mike," I know this shop is like his child.

"I didn't mean to just throw that at you like another curveball you definitely don't need, but I think I'm going to start trying to sell it. We are in a good spot in town. It'll sell fast. I'm assuming within a month, we'll be out of here. Start liquidation sales soon, I guess," he replies with a sigh.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now