Chapter 12-Training with the Demon King

Start from the beginning

"Almost there...!" she said through gritted teeth. If she clenched her teeth any harder, she was sure it would break.

Only a hundred more yards.

Fifty more yards.

A few feet.

She could see the top of the mountain!

Xiu Xiang swung her leg over and with a final push, she climbed over and rolled onto her back, huffing and puffing.

"I...made it!" she breathed.

A slow clap could be heard next to her.

"Good job, Xiang Er. As promised, I'll take off the shackles you're wearing," the Demon King said proudly. The once heavyweight that now feels like a mere ten pounds, disappeared instantly. Her body felt light as a feather. Excited to run without the shackles, she got up to her feet and felt weightless as she covered a hundred yards in a matter of seconds.

"Whoa! Master, look at me!" Xiu Xiang cried happily. She whipped around to face her master only to find a frown on his face.

"Hm... you're still much too slow," he said.

Xiu Xiang clicked her tongue in annoyance and then she grinned as an idea flashed into her mind. She suddenly sprang forward in a surprise attack. She could just see the corners of the Demon King's mouth curve upward and then he was gone.


"Behind you!"

She didn't even get to turn around when she felt a hand chop over her head. Pain traveled all the way down to her toes as she tumbled to the ground.

"Yep. Much too slow," the Demon King said from behind her.

He was right. Compared to him, she was definitely too slow, and she suddenly had a bad feeling for what's to come next.

"Ahh... my disciple knows me so well," the Demon King chirped and then, Xiu Xiang felt it before she could even see it.


Shackles twice as heavy as the last appeared on her.

"Mother fu--!"

A few more years flew by.

Xiu Xiang found that two things had changed about her: She was stronger now and her temper had gotten way, WAY shorter.

Back in the real world, when she was younger, Xiu Xiang had lived in a Shaolin temple. She studied under calm and patient masters. She meditated. She was calm. She was forgiving.


"Are you fucking kidding me?!" screamed Xiu Xiang. She had just mastered her shackles only for the Demon King to switch out her shackles for the golden shackles. Five hundred pounds per shackle.


"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?!" she snapped.

"Sigh... my foolish disciple. Remember that you can't die. You tried dying over four years ago. Just give it up," her stupid master told her.

Who in Heaven did she end up offending that she was forced into a life of constant suffering?

As the Demon King watched his stupid disciple struggle to walk back and forth with her new golden shackles, he couldn't help but smile proudly. Many people had told him that as a demon, he had no heart but at the moment he couldn't help but feel that he had grown one. He once told Xiu Xiang that it took him over hundreds of years to even start walking in the golden shackles but the disciple in front of him merely took four years.

She was definitely gifted but maybe it was also because of her stubbornness that helped her come this far. He chuckled lightly as he followed closely behind her.

"What's so funny?" she snapped back angrily.

Sigh... the only problem was, this dear disciple of his had grown an extremely short fuse. Once they finished with body training, he was going to throw her into meditation next. In order for her to take over his role as King of the Demon realm one day, she needed to at least learn how to control that temper of hers. Then again, it was kind of his fault that she had become like this.

"Your face is funny looking, is all," he chirped and ruffled her hair like a child. She struggled to raise her arm and after much effort, she slapped his hand away only to miss and hit her own head instead.

"Your face is funny looking. Your whole family is funny looking!" she retorted. Her head spun from her own slap.

He loved teasing his disciple.

Maybe one of these days, he'll tell her the whole truth behind her blood lineage but just not right now. He was content with the way things were going. If this stupid descendant of his found out that the two of them are in fact related, she might just spit blood and die all over again.

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