chapter twenty two

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"YOU HAVE TO FIND HER!" I yell at this stupid ass cop who's eating donuts at the station.

"Look kid, we are doing everything we can at the moment. What we need you to do is stay calm, go straight home after school, and don't get into any trouble. Ok?" He takes a sip of his coffee.

I slam my hand down on the table. "It is your job to keep people safe! Alice has been missing for seventy two hours. Each passing minute there's a less likely chance of her not being found. If you aren't going to find her, then god damnit, I will." I push out of the chair I was sitting in.

"Son, don't do that." The cop says while I'm walking out.

I flip off all of the police officers and even the sherif, and hop in my car and drive off.

"Ok, Alice, now where are you."

I go to all of the houses on Kinnian street.
(They are all really sketchy.)

I knock on all of the doors to see if anyone has seen *the flyer in my hand* this girl, but they said they didn't and wished her family and I well.

Yes, I did in fact look at all of their cars to see if they were at the park that day.

Spoiler alert, none of them were there.

Then I go to Parsons Street, and same thing.


And now I'm sitting in my car in the middle of the forest wondering how the hell I've gotten here.

I look from my hands in my lap and out into the wilderness.

I scan every damn branch until something catches my eye in the distance.

A little trail that leads up a hill.

I haven't looked there yet.

It's probably just a hiking trail, Jonathan. You need to look places where she will actually be.

I decide against going up there and drive away, thinking of other places she might be.
"There, bitch." The man slides over a paper plate with half of a peanut butter (no jelly) sandwich and a carrot.

"Eat up." And then he walks up the basement stairs and disappears.

I'm not even hungry anymore.

But I do eat the carrot, just so I don't die.

I'll save the sandwich for later.

I've gotta find a way out of here.

The door has eight locks on it, all of them steel and inevitable.

I look up on the ceiling and flash my handy dandy pocket flashlight on it.

Nothing. Just wooden planks and cobwebs.

"Ugh!" I scream and kick the wall.

The basement door opens. "What the hell is going on down there?!" The man stomps down the stairs.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't meant to-"

"Get over here." He takes off his belt.

I gulp and take a step towards him.

"You may not damage this here house ever again." He slings his belt onto my shoulder, making my entire body hurt.

I whimper and he does it again, this time on the side of my head.

"NOW DONT MAKE ANY NOISES, OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He spits on my face and goes back upstairs.

I collapse on the ground.

My head is throbbing, and I gently touch the side where he hit me.

I'm bleeding.

I quickly tear a piece of fabric off of my brown dress and apply pressure to my head to stop the bleeding as much as I can.

"No no no no no," I whisper to myself.

"Dear god, please help me get out of here alive." I pray and go back to my corner.
End of chapter twenty two.

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