chapter fifteen

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Jonathan soon drives out of our little town, and now looks like he's going for down town.

I've personally never been, so I'm a little bit nervous.

He drives off into a little alley way that leads to a small little strip of shops.

"Whoa." I look in aw at the indie little record stores and diners.

"Yeah. It's my favorite place to go."

"Well cmon' then!" I open up my door and rush out.

"Wait for me!" Jonathan yells behind me.

He grabs hold of my hand, and we walk into the record store called, Joe's Records.
He shows me all of his favorite albums (I didn't recognize any of them) and talked about how his dad didn't let him listen to them anymore because they were "too emo for him."

I don't like his dad, even though I've never even met him.

After the record store, he led me to the diner right beside of it.

"This is my all time favorite place." He said.

I pick the booth at the very back of the tiny diner, where nowhere is sitting.

Jonathan slides in on one side, but I don't feel like being away from him, so I go ahead and slide in right next to him.

He blushes, and I just know I'm as red as a tomato.

I grab his hand with mine and drag it into my lap, massaging the palm.

A lady with a pony tail and roller skates rolls over to our table.

She is chewing her gum obnoxiously when she says, "Y'all ready ta orda?"

Jonathan clears his throat. "We will both have the number one meal please."

"Uh huh. Cool." And she skates off.

"Is that ok?" He whispers beside me.

I laugh. "Of course."  

He lies his head on my shoulder and I look at his hand and stroke it with my finger tips.

"Your hands are so soft." I quietly say to him.

"Your hands are so tiny." He flattens out his hand so we can compare hand sizes.

The tops of my fingers go to the beginning of his finger tips.

I look over to him.

He's just staring at my hand.

Like, he's so focused on it.

Almost like he thinks it's going to disappear...

"Here ya go." The loud, obnoxious, rude, interrupting waitress comes over with our food.

Jonathan quickly snaps out of his trance and thanks her.

"Ok so like... what even is this?" I ask as I gesture to our food.

"It's a burger, Alice. What do you mean."


Of course it is.

"Yeah, yeah, I knew that."

He looks over to me. "Wait- do you not know what a-"

"Shut up!" I playfully swat his arm.

We both laugh and eat our food.

A burger is literally disgusting.

And Jonathan also went on a rant of how delicious it is.

"Ok but like, why? Why not call it a sandwich? It's the exact same thing."

"No. No way. I refuse to believe that." He steals one of my fries.

"Hey! Those are mine!" I take one of his.

Let's just say that we ended up almost getting kicked out because of throwing our food at each other while laughing hysterically.

We walk to some other shops, and then we got ice cream, and now we are in his car, watching the sunset.

He has a car that has like a middle seat thing that trucks have, so I am directly beside of him, with his arm around my waist.

"Thank you." I say after a minute or two.

"For what?" He looks down at me.

"For this. For today. For... everything."

He softly laughs. "Y'know, I should really be thanking you. You have made my life a thousand and a half times better than it was before. And I just can't believe that I've known you, Alice Fink, for-like-ever, but never once talked to you. And I feel like... like shit about it."

I fully turn to him. "It's not your fault. I never knew Jonathan Banks was more than a snobby rich kid who hated anyone who didn't have a mansion like yours.
But here you are, with me, my boyfriend, and I couldn't be happier."

He smiles like a little kid who just one a stuffed animal at a county fair.

"I love-" I cut him off by smashing my lips against his.

I can tell he got taken by surprise, but soon enough he kisses me back with just as much force.

That's all I have to say.

End of chapter fifteen.

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