chapter ten

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I can't believe this.

I don't want to.

I want to turn around and fight for her.

I want to tell her that... that I like her.

That she makes me feel a certain way.

She makes me feel alive and special and smart and just about everything a person can feel.

I have no idea where I'm going.

At some point Gary or at least Donald will be showing up.

I keep on walking.

I can't look back.

If I do, there's no way I'll be able to leave again.

The snow is really piling up, and Alice only had a sweater and some jeans on.

I bet she's freezing.

"Wait!" A strained voice says.

I turn around and look.

Alice is running to me.

My body fills with relief and hope and, frankly, happiness.

I start walking towards her.

Total déjà vu.

She runs into me and puts her arms around my neck.

I immediately wrap my arms around her waste and hug her tightly, lifting her up off the ground.

"Sorry." She whispers into my neck.

"It's ok." It's way more than ok.

Holding her like this... there's no words to describe how this feels.

Right now, at this very second, I'm taking a mental oath.

I will always protect Alice Fink.

She squeezes me tighter

I put her back on the ground, but don't leg go.

She snuggles closer to me, shivering.

Bless this snow.

She pulls back, but is still really close.

"I think I like you." She whispers.

I let out a soft laugh. "I think I like you, too."

She gives me a little shy smile.

And I can just feel the big happy grin on my face.
In history, all I could do was just stare at Alice.

She liked me back.

That's just unbelievable.

I've pinched myself about 10 times today and it's only 8:30.

Our project is due in 2 days, so that means she will only be my partner for 48 more hours.

Which means I need to spend as much time with her in this class as I can.

I decide to send her a note from across the table. (We are supposed to be quiet so Mr.Holland can sleep.)

Wanna hang after school?

I slide it across to her.

She reads it and flips it over and starts writing.

She slides it across.

I'd love to.

I look up to her shyly smiling at me.

I go back to the note paper.

Right after school?


As I read, the paper gets snatched out of my hand.

I turn around.


"Oooooo, seems like Jonny Boy has a crush!" He waves it in my face.

That bastard.

"Give it back!" I jump out of my chair.

"Not until I read it first!" He skims over the paper. "Oh. My. God! Are you two.. like a thing? GROSS!" The whole entire class is now staring.

"We-we aren't.. aren't.." I hear Alice's soft voice.

"What was that freak?!" Matt glares at her.

"We aren't... together. We have to... uh... work on our project."

Matt looks confused for a split second, then says, "Well then you don't mind me doing this?" He rips the paper into shreds.

Hell no.

I jump at him, pushing his head into a desk.

"Mr.Banks! Principals office, now!" Mr.Holland yells.

"And you too, Ms.Fink!"

Alice and I both look at each other.

She looks scared... scared of me?

Matt gets up off of the ground with his bloody nose and walks to the bathroom.

"I said, NOW!"

I walk out of the classroom with Alice following behind me.

This will not be good.
End of chapter ten.

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