chapter five

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Oh my god.

This can't be happening.

"Now get with your partners and start! It's due next Tuesday."

Everyone goes and sits with their person.

I hesitantly get up and go to Jonathons table.

He glances up at me giving me permission to sit across from him.

I cover my hands with the sleeves of my sweater.

He doesn't look up from the rubric Mr.Holland gave us.

His hair looks soft.

I almost want to play with it.

He has pale skin and rosy cheeks.

They also look soft and warm.

I bet they are.

He catches me staring at him.

Clearing his throat he says, "So... it says we have to study from outside of school. Um... where would you wanna meet? At the park?"

I think about it for a second.

He can't go to my house.

I guess I can't go to his.

"Sure." I say quietly.



"What time?" He says after a minute.

"After school? We could just walk to it from the bus stop..." God I'm so stupid.

He looks around the room for a second while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, I guess."

The bell rings, and I'm the one to get up first and head straight to the bathroom.
You are so stupid, Alice. You messed up.

Of course he wouldn't want to go straight from the bus stop!

He doesn't want to be seen with the weird girl!

"Ugh!" I kick the bathroom sink.

"Hey! Watch it!" Someone says.

I look around until I land on a short blonde girl.

She has little pigtails in.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"Yeah. What has the sink done to you?"

I laugh a little. "Lots."

She smirks. "What's your name?"


"Hilary. Nice to meet you." She puts out her hand.

I check to see if there's anything in it, and when there's not a actually shake it.

"See you around, Alice." She walks away.

Wow. Did I for real just meet some one?

Alice doesn't sit next to me on the bus.

Should I be glad or... disappointed?

Maybe just a tad disappointed.

I like to look at her.

It's like wherever she goes... she brings with her peace.

I have no idea why I just thought that.

"Jonny!" Gary yells at me.

I snap my head back to him. "Yeah?"

"We're gonna go smoke... ya know where, you wanna join? I know you don't like to 'destroy your lunges' but you don't even have to smoke. Just come with us."

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