chapter eight

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I let Jonathan hold my hand because it keeps him... calm?

I don't know.

I just didn't want him doing that again.

That was embarrassing.

Once we get to school, I quickly get out of the seat and let go of his hand.

He tries to keep up with me but I'm too fast.

I don't want to be near him.

I'm ruining his friendships with his best friends.

That's just not ok.

I decide to skip history and hide in the bathroom instead.

A freshman came in to make out with.. I think was at least a junior, and a group of seniors came in to smoke, but that's about it.

I should just go home.

It's only like.... a.... hour walk...


I go ahead and skip lunch, too.

No one would notice any ways because I usually eat my lunch in here.

I do go to English and Math, though.

Jonathan isn't in those classes.

Thank god.

I don't take the bus, I just walk.

Its fitness, right?

About half way there, I stop at the park where I had told Jonathan to drop me off at yesterday.

I sit behind the big willow tree in the back, not wanting to be seen.

Aunt Linda won't care.

She never does.

Sometimes I wonder... what would've happened if my parents actually wanted a kid?

Like, I know they were only 17 and teens, but maybe if they just kept me on the side...

No. No way.

I was 13 when Aunt Linda found me.

She took me in when she was engaged to some guy and thought she would change her life around.

She was wrong.

She just kept me because she "felt bad."

Ugh. Whatever.

"Thought I'd find you here." I way too familiar voice says.

I jump up and turn around.


"Um.. no. I-I can't do this." I scurry and pick up my back.

"No, Alice please!" He calls after me.

I've been running away from him a lot.

He grabs my hand and spins me around.


"No! I can't! Now let me go."

"No. Tell me what I did."


"Alice, What did I do!?"

"Nothing! You did nothing, Jonathan. Is that what you want to hear?"

He stares at me for a moment. "No." He mumbles.

I take a step back. "I have to go."

"I don't understand! This morning you were with me, holding my hand, talking to me, and now you're running away? Why?" His eyebrows contort into anger.

"Because! Don't you see? I'm ruining your... your life!"

"You barely even know me!"

I point a finger in his face. "Exactly! So leave me alone!" I run off.

He doesn't come after me this time.


Aw man.

End of chapter eight.

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