chapter sixteen

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I could tell Alice didn't want to go home after this (amazing, incredible, unimaginable, great ass) day, but I defiantly didn't want her to go.

She's closer to me than anyone has or probably ever will be.

"Jonathan? You just passed my house."

Oh shit.

I press the breaks, then slowly drive backwards to her house.

I stop in front of it.

"When is your aunt coming back?" I look over to her.



"Why?" She looks at me confused.

"My parents won't be back until tomorrow night..." coincidence, I know.

"What are you saying?" She looks at me almost hopefully.

"Well... maybe... you could... stay at my place tonight."

She doesn't say anything for a frightening amount of time.

"I don't know,"


She starts to chew on her already short fingernails.

But then she looks to the side at her house, and back at me.


"Ok? That's- that's it?"

"Yup. Just for the night, though. And no funny business..."

I laugh at her innocence. "Right. No funny business."

She softly pushes my shoulder with hers, then lays her head on it.

She stays like that the whole drive to my house.

"We're here!" He drives into his six car garage.

"Your house is-"

"Don't say it's big or wonderful. I hate it."

"Wha- why?!"

That's absurd.

"Because it's all people see. 'Oh you have a big house, you must be a rich snobby kid.'"


That's why.

"I'm sorry."

He takes my hand. "It's ok. Let's just go in."
His house feels like... like an actual home.

Like the houses I see in all of Aunt Linda's magazines.

It has a big sofa bordering most of the living room, and a TV.

Like- what?!

His kitchen as a big island in the middle of it, and it's like the size of my house.

They have a room just dedicated to the washer and dryer.

He has this grand staircase in the entryway that's beautiful.

Jonathan leads me upstairs and to his room.

It's medium sized, covered with old band posters and geographical books.


He has a pretty big bed, and a bathroom connected to his room.


"You sound like you've never seen a bedroom before." Jonathan laughs.

I stare at him.

His eyes flash with realization. "I-I didn't mean-"

"It's ok." I look down at my old ripped boots.

It must look absurd for me, a dirty freak, to be in this huge bedroom.

Jonathan quickly walks towards me, but I back away.

I look up to his brown eyes, now filled with worry and concern.

"I-I-" He stutters.

"No... no it's ok, really. I just- I probably look ridiculous in your rich person house, with my 4 year old boots on and my GoodWill dress."

His eyebrows crease. "No, no you don't. You look like Alice. My Alice."  He whispers the last part and steps closer to me.

I don't back away this time.

"Your Alice?" I faintly whisper.

"Mine." He smiles just a little and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest.

He immediately hugs me back, tight, and we just stay like that for what seems like forever.

More cute stuff awaits next chapter...

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