chapter thirteen

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I'm going to kill Alice's aunt.

Literally, kill her.

I'm dead serious.

I'm currently waiting on Alice to get on the bus so we can ride home together.

It's Friday, so I won't be able to see her for 2 whole days.

If she doesn't hurry up, the bus will leave without her.

I told my dad that I was going to "hang with the boys" today after school and that I'll be back by 8.


He doesn't know that I'm barely even friends with those jerks anymore.

Just as the scary old bus driver was about to close the door, Alice came rushing in with her hair all messy yelling, "Don't leave!"

The old bus driver, I think his name was Ralf, rolls his eyes dramatically and lets her in.

She flops onto the seat and leans into me tiredly.

"Did you tell her that you're staying with me?"

"Who? My aunt? Yeah." She yawns.

"You okay?" I snake my arm around her lower waist.

"Yup, just really tired."

She's tired?

Does that mean she- she can't hang out with me?

I don't wanna take away her sleep but...

"I'll still hang out with you, Johnny."

My heart sped up, but just because she said "Johnny" instead of "Jonathan"

My god she needs to say that more.

I can feel my huge grin hit my face right when she looks up.

We are both smiling like a freak.

We go to our usual overgrown grass covered field thingy that's behind Weathershead and just talk about our favorite movies.

"Goonies. Obviously." Jonathan says while he looks at the shapes of clouds.

"Eh. What about The Breakfast Club?"

He scrunches up his nose.

"Cmon! It's a great movie."

"Too cheesy for me."

"Says the one who likes The Goonies." I roll my eyes.

He laughs a little and goes back to watching the clouds.

I lay my head on his chest and look up at them too.

"Look! It's a- a boat!" I see his hand right above me pointing to a white blob.

I look over to my left and see a cloud. "It's a baby!"


"Over there," his hand was still in the air so I guided it over to where the cloud was.

"Ohhh. Now I see it."

We just stare and point out random clouds for 5 minutes straight before he gets up and sits cross legged next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something."

I gulp and sit up, facing him.

"So... you know how we've like... been so close for almost 2 months now?"

It's been 2 months?

It feels like yesterday when I first saw him at the bus stop.


"And we've... like... done stuff... that's like... girlfriend... and boyfriend stuff."

"Uh huh."

"So, like, would you like to be... my girlfriend?"

The air flies out of my lungs.

"Jonathan, we haven't even kissed yet. I haven't met your parents yet, I-I-"

I start to worry.

He really wants me to be his girlfriend?

The weird girl!?

He stares at me for a second.

Like, a long second.

"You don't want to be my girlfriend?" He whispers.

"What! No! No- no I really, really like you. It's just, why would you want me to be your girlfriend. Why not Lainy?"

This time he laughs.

"Lainy? Are you serious? No way in hell."

"Ok, then... what about Kayla?"

"She thinks I'm gay." My eyes go wide.

"Mmm... Brooke?"

"No. No one except you." His head is down, and he's looking at me through his eye lashes.


"Please, Alice. Please." He grabs my hand.

"What- what about your friends?"

"I don't care about them."



"Just me?"


I squeeze his hand. "... Ok."

"Ok?" His head goes up in hope.

"Yes, ok." I say softly.

He gives me a wide toothy smile, showing his dimples.

He's adorable.

So adorable that I lean over and kiss his cheek.

What? I couldn't help it.

I pull back, already feeling the heat rush to my cheeks.

He looks at me shocked, but then does something I never excepted he would do.

He kissed me.

OH and I'm sorry for not updating in like a year.

School is a bicth.

End of chapter thirteen.

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