chapter nine

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"Hey, sweetie." My Mom greets me in the kitchen.

"Hey." I sigh.

"What's the matter?" She takes off her apron.

"Just.... stuff."

"Girl stuff?" I look up abruptly.

"N-no." She laughs.

She laughs?

"What's so funny?"

"Honey, you can tell me. I won't judge." She puts her hands up surrendering.

I take a moment to think about things.

Am I... do I... can I?


No way.


I do not like Alice Fink.

Or.... do I?

"Um... so..... there's this girl... and she, uh, she makes me.. uh... feel some sort of way."

My mom smiles. "And what're you going to do about this girl?"

Tell her. Kiss her. Hold her. Protect her.

"I don't know." I scratch the back of my neck.

"I would tell her how you feel. See how she reacts."

"What if she doesn't feel the same way?"

"Then you'll grow up and find another." My dad says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Who is this mystery girl, anyway?" He asks biting into a cracker.

Uh oh.

"Um, April... Fillis. Yeah, April Fillis."

My parents look confused. "I've never heard of an April Fillis." My dad says.

"She's new."

"Huh." My dad crosses his arms. "Okay."

"God damn, if you're gonna be home late every day, I should have more men over like je-sus." Aunt Linda greets me.

"Good to see you too." I mumble and walk to my room.

"Hey! I'm makin dinner, y'know!"

"I'm not hungry!"


I plop face-first into my mattress and start bawling my eyes out.

God, Alice. Why are you so dumb? You ruin your only friendship that you've had for like 10 days.

A sob racks from my body and into my pillow.

He was the only thing I looked forwards to everyday.

Our little moments at the bus stop.

Our conversations about random and irrelevant topics in history.

How soft his hand felt in mine.

But it's all over now.

I'm doing this for him.

To protect him and his future.
"Aunt Linda, I'm not going to school today."

"Ha! That's really funny, Alice. Now get your damn books and get in the car."

"No. I really can't go today." She opens the front door.

"And I don't care. If you're not in the truck in 3 minutes, I will get the wooden spoon."

I roll my eyes very dramatically and get my books.

"I just don't understand why we have to go to this bus stop. Like, why can't we go to any other one."

She clicks her tongue and turns into Weathershead. "This one's more convenient than the other two."

"What time is it?" The sun is just now rising.



"Why are we so early!?"

"I have to go to work, dumbass. Now get out."

I jump out of the truck hesitatingly, and walk to the "bus stop" sign.

No one will be here for a good 20 minutes.

Its also 20 degrees.


Jonathan will be here soon. He's always early.

Oh no.

I see a figure walking towards me in a familiar trench coat.

Damn it.

He starts walking faster once he sees me.

I walk farther away from him.

I really can't do this.

Not today.

I can hear his footsteps getting closer and closer to me as I walk.

"Alice!" I turn around.

He's right here.

"Jonathan, I told you, stay away from me."

He steps closer to me. What is he doing?

"But I can't." He looks right into my eyes.

My heart speeds up fast. "B-but you have to." He grabs my hand.

I pull away.

"Come on, Alice! Why are you doing this?!" He's getting annoyed.

"I'm trying to protect you!" I yell at him.

It starts snowing.

It's literally September.

"Protect me from what?!" He runs his hands in his hair frustratingly.

"Me!" I take a step towards him.

"I don't need protection." He says firmly.

"You are getting yourself too involved with me, Jonathan."

"I don't care." He takes a step towards me.

"I do." Another step.

He looks straight into my soul.

"You're sure you don't want me?" He whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

Clouds cover the sun so the sky is dark.

The snow falls harder.

I can feel his breath on my face.

I want you. I want all of you. I want to take all of your fears away and make them mine.

I slowly nod my head, a tear falling down my cheek.

His eyebrows furrow and his mouth turns into a frown.

"Okay." He mumbles, then walks away, leaving me in the cold.
You already KNOW I'm sobbing.

End of chapter nine.

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