chapter four

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It's been 3 days.

I'm currently riding to the bus stop and Aunt Linda is extra mad today.

"Why in the world wouldn't he call me back?! I'm beautiful and smart! Right, Alice?!"

"Yes." I mumble.

"Ugh. You're lucky that no one likes you. People suck."

Like you.

We pull up to the stop.

I jump out before she can get another word in.

I hate it when she complains about her "dates".

I look up from the ground.

Jonathon is there.

He seems to be staring at me.

Today is the day, Alice. Talk to him.

I take in a breath as I reach him.

He stares at me with wide eyes.

His friends won't be here for another 5 minutes, anyway.

I clear my throat.

"hi." It came out as a squeak.

He stares at me before saying something back. "Hello."

I play with the charm bracelet on my wrist.

What do I say now?

"So... you like the color grey, huh?" He speaks, surprising me.

"Um, yeah. You like light blue?" This is going well...

"Yeah. It reminds me of peace."

"Wow." I said that out loud?!

"Why do you like grey?"

"Its the color of the sky when a storm comes. I love storms."

I look down to my feet.

"I like them, too." He says softly. I look back up.

It almost looks like he has a little smile.

I hear his friends from down the street.

Jonathan looks behind me then back to my eyes.

"I know. I'll go over there." I say and walk to the other side of the stop.

Good job, dimwit.

"Wait-" She stops.

"Um... see you on the bus?"

She smiles a little. "Yeah."

Her voice is so calm and beautiful.

I kinda like listening to it.

But, I have to remember, I can't be friends with her.

She is still the weird girl.

I can't ruin my other friendships over some girl that I don't know.

But I want to know more about her...

No. No I don't.

She sits right next to me on the way to school.

My friends have sort of gotten used to her sitting there now.

They still give her glares and verbally bully her.

It makes me feel... mad? Glad? I have no idea.

We do have almost all of our classes together.

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