Part thirty eight [passing] -final-

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You were at ease looking up at the blue sky and the clouds that drifted across it, the scoop of chocolate ice cream in your hand melting slightly at the corners and into the waffle.

"Looks great, doesn't it? The sky I mean." You muttered to the girl sitting next to you.

"It does." She replied before licking her scoop of the bubble gum flavored treat. The girl hummed in approval feeling the sweet taste caress her tongue. "The ice cream tastes amazing like always!" Maiko exclaimed, grinning widely.

You chuckled lowly, feeling the breeze rustle the grass beneath your fingertips as your head tilted backward to get a better view of the clouds hovering above the both you.

"What is your favorite food Hero? Is it something special? It must be something amazing to make you be this strong!" Maiko looked up at you with sparkle filled eyes.

"Uuuuh...mostly instant ramen." You laughed a little, watching the clouds pass by. "I…I had someone who made me really good lunches though…i loved eating them especially since I'm a terrible cook… I was not used to having such good food to eat every day." You lowered your gaze onto the large lake in front of you, hearing the ducks quack in the distance, every sound of nature clear since the lack of people in the park.

"Wow. They must be an amazing person." Maiko said staring up at you with a stunned expression.

"Yeah, he was..." A tender smile stretched across your face, eyes relaxed as you let the sun kiss your complexion.

The little girl hummed awkwardly, probably getting the hidden meaning behind your words before she bit into the sweet treat, devouring it in a few seconds.

"Here." You handed her your ice cream "I'm not really hungry anymore."

"If you say so." She replied taking the waffle in her palms, immediately biting into it. You patted her head, careful not to mess up her neat hairstyle.

The girl licked her hands, making sure not to waste any of the sweet cream before she skeemed her tongue across the skin around her mouth, humming in delight. Maiko looked at you as you were still staring into the distance, wind rustling your hair as your half-lidded eyes held a stone-cold concentration but it did not look frightening. They were the eyes of someone who has already lived through so many emotions in their life, they were ready to face anything that might be coming their way.

"You're really amazing Hero." The girl stated making you jump a little.

"No, I'm not." You chuckled lowly, scratching the back of your neck.

"So humble~" she teased, rocking back and forth on the ground.

"Stop." You pleaded to making brunette laugh.

A comfortable silence fell around you for a brief moment before you spoke out again. "Should we get going?"

"Hm. Can we go around the park one more time before we leave?" Maiko asked, putting her hands together in a pleading gesture.

"Yeah sure." You mumbled before standing right back up, helping the girl by pulling her up with you. "Let's go." You smiled and started strolling down towards the sidewalk, feeling Maiko take your hand in hers.

The little girl started humming slightly once you arrived at the small path that led to a more secluded area in the park, a one filled with trees and bushes, chirping of birds filling the air around you. The sun was covered by a large grey cloud, more of them arriving from the distance, coating the small forest in a light shadow that seemed to put the world into an early sleep.

"This is nice." You muttered under your breath with a small grin.

Maiko hummed back, the pitter-patter of her shoes hitting the pavement falling deaf to both yours and her ears.

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