Part two [a chance]

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The darkness that has been surrounding you suddenly cleared up, your eyelids heavy after being glued together by slumber.

You were in your room lying on the soft bed. You lifted yourself up tossing the covers making the warmth leave you and the cold air hit your skin. Groaning you shifted around to stretch but the squeeze of your uniform made it unbearably uncomfortable.

Looking around your eyes landed on the UA blazer that was now lying helplessly on the ground next to your backpack. You threw them there right after coming back from school way to exhausted to even think about changing. Let alone at least throwing the piece of material in a more appropriate place.

Picking the blazer up your eyes landed on the mirror that was right across your room. Slowly walking up to it you gazed at your reflection as it stared back at you.  The mirror had a few cracks here and there because of how many times you toppled it over out of pure clumsiness. The abused slick surface was a reminder of the many hours of practice you spent looking at your own reflection and talking to it as if to another person. This seemed to never work though, interactions with other people were way more stress-inducing than spending a couple of minutes every day, talking about the weather with your clone. In other words, you saw no improvement from it.

"God I'm pathetic" you groaned under your breath and averted your gaze.

You placed your stuff at your bed and took out some clothes to change into. Not a minute went by and you were wearing a pair of black shorts and a simple white t-shirt. You straightened the white fabric feeling how smooth it is under your fingertips compared to your uniform.

Huffing you looked around. As far as you knew there wasn't any homework for today and you had no idea what to do. You didn't have to think long though as your stomach made a loud growling noise reminding you that you haven't eaten anything yet. Your eyes lit up at the thought of food agreeing with your stomach that eating was the right thing to do now.

Making your way into the kitchen you opened the fridge only to find it completely empty. Great...

You inspected the whole room opening every single drawer, and inspecting every cranny only to find a pair of old wooden chopsticks a few teabags and a half-empty bottle of water. How the hell didn't you notice that all the food was gone? You signed and pulled out some money, having to go shopping was the last thing you wanted to do right now.

You quickly put on a red hoodie and a pair of orange trousers. You exited the house and struggled with the keys for a little bit. After a solid minute of twisting and turning the key, it finally made a clicking noise that you've been striving for. Good thing none of your neighbors were there to witness that. Even the thought of it made your cheeks burn in embarrassment.

You jogged down the metal stairs and ran down the street passing by few people in the process. It was quite refreshing, getting out of your stuffy house, filled with old antique furniture and squeaky floorboards.

The night was approaching slowly, most of the sun already covered in thick clouds making the atmosphere of your small town more grayish. None the less you quite liked it that way, the cold breeze being a nice add on to not making the weather suffocating with the lack of sunlight.

After a few minutes of running, you spotted a convenience store right across the street. Watching out for cars you ran towards it and pushed open the glass doors.

Warm air hit your face as well as the familiar buzzing of the lamps above you. Grabbing a plastic basket you stormed off to the nearest aisle, trying to ignore all the people looking around the store.

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