"I'm wearing a black suit. My handkerchief is red," she kept quiet, a little overwhelmed. "Are the dresses all there?"

"Um I think so," Sophia looked up at Gennie who nodded.

"There's a long red dress, off the shoulder, low neckline. Wear that." Gennie searched through the racks and had two others do the same, the man who had given the lemon tea held up the dress. "Found it," Gennie whispered.

"Am I on speaker?" Noah asked. Sophia switched it off and held the phone to her ear.

"Not anymore."

"Good. I'll see you at around 6:30..." he paused for a second. "You're going to look beautiful. You always do..." He whispered and heat rushed to her cheeks once again and the line went dead. The dress Noah had chosen was a stunning red with a sweeping train and a plunging neckline.

"Mr McKenzie has good taste," Gennie smirked. "He picked out every item here, you know."

Dolores interrupted, "he has never done this before, not even for that fiancée of his. You must hold a special place in his heart." She gave Dolores a grateful smile for the compliment even though she knew that it couldn't have been true. He needed a date for the gala as his fiancée stood him up, there was nothing more to it. And she was sure he more than likely chose the dresses to avoid any embarrassment if she were to turn up in a dress she thought beautiful but was actually hideous.

After a few hours of easy work, the look was completed. The long sweeping satin dress hugged Sophia's body and fit to perfection after a couple of alterations. A stylist had curled her hair and the waves cascaded down her back, her brown hair that shaped her face at the front was pinned back. The look was classy and the outfit was paired with a pair of ruby earrings and black stilettos. She felt elegant and sexy, definitely not an embarrassment. Sophia just hoped Noah would feel the same.

It was a business related event that they had to attend, it was strictly professional - or so she kept telling herself. As Dolores rode the elevator down to the lobby with Sophia, she assured her she looked beautiful and needed to radiate confidence. She stepped out into the chilly lobby and Dolores said she looked stunning one last time before the doors closed. Noah was standing at the reception desk, his hands stuffed into his pockets and his face told a story as if his time was being wasted. With her clutch tucked under her arm and a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, she walked towards her date, carefully remembering to put one foot in front of the other so as to not trip.

He was dressed in a plain black suit as he said he would be, and the only splash of colour was the vibrant red handkerchief poking out of his breast pocket. As his eyes settled on her body, he straightened up and adjusted his bowtie before he met her in the middle. "W-what took you so long?" He stuttered while he was trying to sound professional and arrogant. Sophia smiled.

Noah stepped in closer and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. His level of professionalism had drained away since he stuttered; she knew he felt awkward and there was no going back. His lips didn't linger for very long but it was definitely long enough for Sophia to force herself to maintain her calm. His arm soon found her waist as he led her towards the door. "Shall we go?"

The limousine parked outside was matt black and, being a gentleman, Noah opened the door and aided Sophia in slipping into the seat. He bent down once she was inside and tucked the long train into the car. He quickly shut the door and marched around to the other side, taking his position inside the car, his thigh pressing up against hers. The heat in the car took a turn when their bodies touched. It was only their legs but Sophia found herself wishing to be as far away from him as possible.

"Everything okay?" he leant over and whispered in her ear as if he didn't want anyone else to hear their private conversation, yet there was no one else in the vehicle apart from the driver up front.

His Secret [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now