She cracked her knuckles and contemplated what her next course of action would be. She could easily dispatch the blond, but she was in a 'playful' mood. Maybe she would make him run first before catching him.

Decisions, decisions.

She looked at him, he was quite tall, taller than her in fact. Maybe she should 'play' with him instead. She hasn't had 'THAT' type of fun in a while... and who would it hurt exactly? She smirked to herself.

That smirk froze on her face as he started removing his jacket. 'W-what is he doing' Was her rapid thought as he lifted up his shirt next and took it off. Her eyes bulged.

He was toned.. Like how old was the guy? She watched mesmerized as he flex his arms seemingly testing out his arm. She watched as the muscles strained.. She gasped silently.. "Well.. fuck" She said to herself breathlessly.

She imagined those arms wrapped around her squeezing her as she climaxed around his thick member. Kami, she was honry now.. and he hadn't even touched her.

Her eyes bulged again when he his hands went to the waist band of his pants. She blushed wildly as she watch as he strained to push them done, her eyes focused solely on his crotch that was about to be revealed to her.

She bit her lip.

She moaned as he finally pushed them down, he was going commando. Her eyes on his flaccid member, she was intrigued, even though it was flaccid, his member was wide and in her opinion, sorta on the long side. She wondered how big it was when hard..

She shook her head as she glared at him, maybe she would find out.

Naruto grinned as he felt the air every where on him. "Wew, feels good to the let the boys out once in a while" He chirped as he rubbed his balls.

He then sprinted and jumped into the spring.

Konan smiled as she removed her robe, she made up her mind, she knew what she wanted and needed from him. She removed her shirt then pants, they were soiled anyway cause of her wetness. She than kicked of her shoes. In fact she was taking it.

She wondered how she would approach this as she stepped out of the shadows and walked to the water Naruto was bathing in.

Said person senses flared as he looked around, his eyes settling on a purple haired woman... A naked purple haired woman. He blushed and averted his gaze, his hands instinctively covered his mind hood.

Her mind was decided. Act.

"Mind if I join you" The pretty lady asked, said lady smirked when he blushed more. "I'm all dirty and wet and well" She trailed off with a fake sigh. "I don't feel like going into town when I am so dirty and when I heard the sound of water, I just had to come and see" She lied expertly. "I just didn't know it was already occupied." She finished as she tested the water by dipping a toe into it, warm. While using a hand to wave up and down her body.

"I don't mind" Naruto answered hoarsely as he nodded at her general direction, his head still turned away from her. He heard her as she entered the water. He hoped he wasn't to obvious, well his reaction that is.. This was the first woman he had even saw naked after all.

"It feels good" Konan said swimming closely to the blond who was aware as he tried to not look at her.

"It is" He answered unaware that she was close, that is. Until he felt a hand on his shoulder. His head snapped her way.

"I'm Konan" She offered, she watched as his gaze lowered to her breast that were riding just above of the water, her nipples hard. His eyes bulged. Konan knew she didn't have the largest of breast but she knew they perky and natural. She inched closer to him liking that he was eying her bust like he was.

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