Chuko Naruto 6

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Naruto sighed. Seems it's one of 'those' days.

What does he mean you ask? Well what he means is this, Sasuke fan girls fight over him. Sasuke looks on, Sasuke fan girls get louder, Iruka of course ignores this, it is near the end of the day after all. Sasuke grunts at their loudness. Sasuke fangirls squeal cause they found his broodish grunt 'sexy'.Sasuke ignores fan girls. Fan girls continue to swoon over him. Sasuke glares at them coldly then looks on. Bell rings.

Naruto sighed again, here we go.

"Naruto" He heard the voice of Sakura say coldly, the Sasuke fan girl co-president. He looked at her.

"Sakura chan" He said happily, she growled at him indicating she was not a happy camper. He closed his mouth instantly.

Then she said. "Come on dobe i don't all day" She ordered lowly but dangerously before walking off quickly, he followed her instantly, a pissed Sakura was an abusive Sakura.

The academy was quickly emptying out, teachers and students together.

Sakura stopped in front of the girls bathroom, she looked to her right and left making sure the hall was empty, then walked in the bath room. After about 2 mins, she peaked her head out. "Come the fuck on dobe." She growled, Naruto quickly went in the girls bathroom.

He hated that nickname, a nickname gave to him by Sasuke by the way. But he followed her into the bathroom stall anyway.

Sakura turned around and looked at him, "Close it and lock it, HURRY up" She ordered.

He quickly did what she said.

You're probably wondering what's going on. You see, the Sasuke fan girl club or the Presidents for that matter are two very frustrated young teen girls. Two years ago, they apparently held a club meeting. They needed a stress relief, or a toy in other words. That's where Naruto comes in, you see now? He is the Sasuke's fan girls living sex toy. Ha, you think he's lucky.

Sakura looked at him with expectation. "Well" She said with irritation obvious in her voice.

Naruto sighed as he took his jacket off dropping it to the ground to reveal his white shirt underneath. Then he undid his pants and dropped them along with his boxers then stepped out of them. He stood tall in both accounts.

Sakura looked at his erection, he was pretty big, bigger then he was last time she saw it. Sakura gulped. "I'm sure Sasuke is bigger then that" She said with a shrug then turned around, she quickly pulled off her black shorts under her dress, she stopped once they were around her ankles. She bent over and put her hands on the toilet. Then she reached back to pull the back of her dress to the side showing Naruto her ass. "You know what i want dobe and how i like it so hurry up, i gotta be home by 3" She growled.

Naruto felt his member twitch as he eyed her nether lips, she was already wet and looked like she was shivering in anticipation. But he didn't say anything. She would definitely kick his ass, he learned from the first time. 'I am wet cause i am thinking of Sasuke doing this and i know he will be way better then you dobe so don't get full of yourself' is what she said before punching him.

He sighed as he grabbed his member and walked behind her, he angled it at her heated core. He knew how she liked it, hard, rough, and fast. So without another word he thrusted in her full force.

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