Chuko Naruto 5

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"NARUTO YOU ARE IN DETENTION!" Iruka yelled with fury at the 13 year old Jinchuriki.

"WHHAATT! BUT HE STARTED IT" Naruto shouted back pointing toward his rival, Sasuke.

"Pssh, no I didn't dobe" Sasuke said backhandedly, his fangirls roared in his agreement/favor.

"Naruto" Iruka said sternly as he crossed his arms. Fan girls could win Sasuke anything. Sasuke thought with a smirk tho he didn't start anything with Naruto... he actually didn't even know what the dobe problem was.

Naruto growled. He hated it when he got detention for no good reason. He looked toward Sasuke with a growl, Said boy was smirking. It was his fault. Always acting as if he was better then everyone. If you asked him, the teme was just an Uchiha with daddy issues and is a Bro'con. Meaning, his daddy went all pedo on him while He was in love with his big brother, itachi. Naruto giggled humorlessly, it was the only explanation. Sasuke had no reaction toward his fan girls. And all of them were HOT! That just made Naruto so mad sometimes... well he's lying, it pissed him off all the time seeing all those girls and even an heiress swoon of him and get no reaction other then an annoyed grunt. Seriously, was it not obvious where he was coming from with this?

Iruka cleared his throat then looked at the clock on the wall. "Class dismissed" He said as the bell sounded at the same exact time. Naruto was about to get up. "Naruto stay put young man!" Iruka growled without even looking Naruto's way. Naruto huffed and set back and crossed his arms.

He eyed Sasuke with burning eyes, the Uchiha only smirked as he left. Of course Sasuke ever attentive fan girls saw it and girls at him as they left. Naruto tried to glare back, but who can glare at cute girls when they think they are making angry faces.

Once the room cleared out, Iruka looked at Naruto, "Honestly Naruto, why do you keep picking fights with Sasuke" Iruka asked with disappointment in his voice. Naruto rolled his eyes sorta then pouted childishly.

"The teme starts it" Naruto chirped with his pout still in place.

Iruka shook his head and smiled a bit. "Naruto seriously, you are better then that and you know it" Iruka in formed as he walked toward the door. "But i can't stay today, you watcher will be here in a bit so stay put Naruto" He said as he left.

Naruto laughed, honestly? Did he just leave and not expect for him to not get up and march right out of this building? And go straight to Ichiraku and then home? Was Iruka high today or something? He is Uzumaki freaking Naruto! When did he do what he was told!

Naruto got up after five minutes and instantly bolted towards the door.

"Naughty Naughty boy" He heard an feminine voice say from his side, he instantly froze, his left hand only and inch away from the door knob. His eyes flew to the voice.

And there was Kurenai, he was surprised she wasn't wearing her usual garbs, instead she was wearing a purple spaghetti strap dress skirt with regular sandals. She was sitting on Iruka's desk. Kurenai smirked at Naruto, this was her fifth time having to watch over the rowdy boy this month, she doesn't even remember the number for the year or years, this time she was going to get her moneys worth. 2 hours of having to just sit and watch him. She was fed up with it really. She didn't care how old he was, his enemies wouldn't, granted she wasn't an enemy but that was what she was going to use to satisfy herself. Morals be damned! "What should an naughty boys punishment be" She asked with a sly smirk.

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