Chuko Naruto 4:Part 1

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Hinata sighed happily as she walked out of the Hyuuga main house.

She had grown enormously since she graduated, she also had her confidence grow, that increase in her made her more bold, only slightly, that slight increase was all she needed to approach her Naruto, she and him grew 'very' close, she only needed an extra push to tell him she loved him, she also had grown stronger, she surpassed even Neji much to the prodigy's surprise and happiness, her sister no longer beat her in spars, well, she did always take it easy on her little sister, but now she swats her little sister like a fly, she earned her fathers respect, not that it took much, and that's all thanks to Naruto! the way he rubbed off on her made her strive to be just like him, and possibly even better!

She sighed as she was about turn a corner to go to the main entrance.

"So are we going to do this" she heard a female say, she stopped instantly.

"Yes, that boy is one nice piece of meat" a woman whose voiced she recognized said in a suggestive tone, "And besides, since when did she reserve rights to him" the woman added, that got Hinata's full attention as she continued spy on the conversation.

"Bu-but neesama likes him" she heard a very familiar voice say.

'What could my sister and the others be talking about' Hinata thought with a frown as she listened closely.

"Tsh, doesn't matter, she hasn't claimed the boy yet" she heard the woman say.

"Nensho san, don't you think you are being mean to Hinata sama" she heard another say.

Hinata frowned, they were talking about her, and a 'guy' who she hasn't 'claimed' yet, she pondered that her head for a second before her eyes widened, 'Why are they talking about Naruto kun' she thought with anger as her bakugan activated, the veins around her eyes bulging intensely. She also knew who Nensho was, she is an eighteen year old main branch family member and use to always tease her about her attraction to Naruto, her and the girl are good friends, or so that is what Hinata believed.

"Probably," she heard Nensho answer, "Just look at it as this" she heard Nensho say softly, "We, are just preparing Naruto kun for Hinata sama" she finished confidently.

That confirmed that they were talking about Hinata's man, and that also was the last straw, Hinata immediately stormed around the corner, her bakugan's activated, her eyes narrowed, her veins bulging out aggressively, she looked like a hyuuga about to kill with ruthless aggression.

All the women heads snapped toward where they sensed someone coming, their eyes went wide as they saw an infuriated Heiress.

Hinata stood there in front of the woman, Hinata looked at each and everyone of the women present, she glared harder once she saw that there were ten of them, she knew six of them personally.

"Hinata sama" a girl who didn't even look older then Hinata yelped out.

Hinata glare snapped to the girl, "Emi san" Hinata growled out.

"What are you doing here Hinata sama" Nensho asked innocently, successfully getting Hinata's attention.

Hinata snarled at Nensho as she answered, "well, here i was going to meet 'MY', Naruto kun" she growled making the women shiver, none of them have never seen a pissed Hinata, "when i stumble on the most absurdest of conversation" she continued while sending glares at all the woman or tried to, she ended up looking like a wild dog looking for pray, but couldn't really decide what to go for. "I hear that you hussies plan on taking my Naruto kun away from me" she finished with howl as she got in a juken fighting stance, "over my dead body"

Chuko Naruto!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ