A Cry For Help

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Narrator's POV

"We have to do something." Bruce said. "He threatened the entire world."

Tony stood there in tears. He didn't know what to make out of this whole thing.

"Tony." Bruce said.

"He lied to me." Tony said.

"He lied to all of us." Thor said. "That wizard."

"I thought... I thought he was my friend." Tony said.

"We all thought that." Bruce said. "But right now, we need to go after them and stop them."

"Yes." Tony nodded. "We should call everyone."

"I'll get Captain." Thor said.

"The sorcerers, we need to alert them." Tony said.

"On i-"

"Oh, we know." Came a voice from the hall.

Tony turned to see who it came from. He recognized this man, standing before him. "Wong."

"And we will need all the help we can get." Wong said.


"Hah..." Tony sighed, walking into his room.

Bruce, Thor and he were staying with the sorcerers for safety reasons.

Tony called the rest of the Avengers to help the sorcerers out, and it was only a matter of minutes before they got to London.

Tony was torn about Stephen. He really thought Stephen had changed, but had all been a lie.

His heart was broken.

Tony set the small cube suit down the nightstand, taking his watch off and removing his shoes. He removed his socks, ready to go to bed.

They had a big mission tomorrow, and he needed rest.

His phone rang.


"Hello, Anthony?"

"Yes this is he." Tony said.

"Hi, this is Doctor Lee at the Metal Health Wellness Center."

"Oh, hi." Tony spoke.

"I'm calling to tell you that Stephen's missed doctor's appointments. Um, is everything alright?"

"Oh, um...well something hap-mm!" Tony mumbled when a hand was suddenly pressed against his mouth and an arm wrapped around his wait, pulling him away from the nightstand to keep him from reaching the suit. "Ngh! Hm! Mm!" He struggled against whoever was pulling him, dropping his phone.

He had closed his door, so no one would be able to see or hear him struggle.

He suddenly got the idea to elbow whoever, and he did.

"Ah!" The person groaned, loosing his grip on Tony.

Tony took this opportunity to get out of the person's grip and hurry to his suit.

"No!" The person jumped on him before he could reach the suit.

"Let me go!" Tony said, turning around to see who it was. "You son of a-Stephen?" He asked.

Stephen was the one who had pinned him down.


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