Treacherous Butterflies

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Quick Note: If you guys could play "Schwanensee, Op. 20: Act || No. 14: Scene" during this chapter, please. It goes really well in my opinion. Thanks :)
Narrator's POV

"Christine." Stephen called Christine over.

Christine came to him, looking at some papers on a clipboard. "Whatever it is, it better be quick. I've got a-"

"I'm leaving." Stephen said.

Christine looked up from her clipboard. "What?"

Stephen nodded.

"But you just got here." She said. "Stephen we need you."

"I will be gone for some time." Stephen said.

"How much time?" Christine asked. "Are you gonna tell anyone. Have you already-"

"Just know that eventually I will return, okay?" Stephen gave her a gentle smile, caressing her cheek.

Christine leaned into Stephen's hand, feeling it tremble. She looked at him. "Stephen, your hands." She said. "Are you-"

"Yes. I'm fine." Stephen replied. "I must leave now." He said, pulling away from her and putting his hands in his pockets. He walked past her, walking down the long hall without saying a word.

Christine was both, puzzled and hurt by what was going on.

Where was Stephen going, and when would he be back? Was he actually planning on coming back? Would he abandon her again?

"I'll be waiting for you." Christine said, watching Stephen walk away til he was no longer visible.


Stephen sat on the edge of his bed, looking down at his hands as they continued to shake. "Ngh!" He groaned and put his hands to his head.

It had now been a couple of days since he had left the hospital, and he still had not done his task.

He was stuck.

Stuck between completing his transformation and getting his life back, or letting this be and accepting it.

He really didn't want to do this. He would be casted aside and left alone like before. He would be alone.

The massive pain and manipulation he was being made go through wasn't leaving him much of a choice. If he didn't do this, he would be in pain for the rest of his life.

The urge to just do it was so hard not to give into.

Voices whispered to him, wrapping him up in a black cloud.

"Stop... Please stop!" He shouted, tears  steaming down his face. It was too much too handle.

The pain in his hands began to grow stronger and stronger.

You wouldn't call it pain anymore, it was torture now.

Stephen wasn't feeling pain, he was feeling agony. "ARGH!" He groaned, biting his tongue to hold in future louder cries of pain.

The burning pain began to spread from his hands, throughout his body.

Stephen embraced himself, trying to hold himself together; but nothing was working. He would fall apart and be reconstructed, filled with agony.

The whispers growing louder and louder.

   Do it                   Do it                   Do it
           Do it              Do it                             Do it                                                    Do it
       Do it                Do it                Do it
Do it                                  Do it 
       Do it             Do it                       Do it     

The Perfect Illusion जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें