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Narrator's POV




"Mm..." Stephen groaned in his sleep as he was awoken by muffled sounds coming from somewhere around the house.

Quick swift sounds rang in his ears.

His eyes shot open. He sat up, seeing a shadow quickly run past in the balcony. "Fuck." He said. "Tony wake up." He shook Tony.

"Hm?" Tony groaned. "What?"

"Wake up." Stephen said. "They're here."

"Who?" Tony asked, slowly sitting up.

"The Zealots." Stephen said. "They're here. They found us."

Tony suddenly awoke. "What do we do?"

Stephen got up from the bed and moved his hands about, his robe appeared on his body.

The cloak hurried to his shoulders.

"Get ready." Stephen said.

~Boom Boom Whoosh~

"Okay." Tony said, tapping his reactor.

His suit began to form over his body.

Portals opened all round then.

"Wait, what about Bruce and Thor?" Tony asked.

"They left for breakfast this morning." Stephen said.

Sounds of marching came from the portals.

The two stood back to back.

"Wait, but we can't fight in here. This is Ben's place." Tony said.

"We don't have much of a choice." Stephen said.

"Stephen Strange." Came a voice.

An old sorcerer came out from a portal.

Dozens of other sorcerers came from each portal.

"We've come here t-Uh!"

Stephen had taken ahold of him with a glowing rope and thrown him out over the balcony.

"Jesus, you didn't even give the guy time to explain himself." Tony said.

"Shut up and fight!" Stephen said, levitating up into the air and shooting yellow crystals at the army before them.

"Shit!" Tony dogged out of the way as a spear was thrown at him. "Hah!" He blasted the direction it came from.

Stephen made a swarm of purple arrows and aimed them at whoever he could.

Sorcerers held up shields, protecting themselves.

"Ah!" Stephen gasped when he felt something wrap around his ankle.

A golden rope.

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