Tiniest Bit Impressed

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Narrator's POV

"What kind of questions are these?" Tony asked as he filled out the paperwork for the flat they were staying in. "What's your mother's maiden name? What? Stephen, do y-" He looked up only to see Stephen meditating as he levitated.

"The Zealots are here." Stephen said, with his eyes closed.

"What?" Tony stood up, looking around. "Where?"

"Sh." Stephen hushed him, coming in contact with the floor. "They can hear us."

Light footsteps could be heard everywhere.

In the walls, above them. All around them.


"Sh." Stephen said, forming a shield.

Suddenly portals all around them opened up.

Tony opened up his palm, activating his suit.


"Ah!" Stephen gasped as a yellow spear stick in the wall next to him.

Suddenly eight bodies stepped out the portals, all holding weapons and conjuring magical spells.

"Argh!" A man fired an arrow at Stephen.

Stephen caught it in his shield. "Hmph!" He stretched his palm out to the man who had shot an arrow at him, raining hi in the air and throwing him against the wall. "On three we break."

"Excuse me?" Tony asked.

"Three." Stephen said, making his shield disappear and formed a clear blade, dodging a sword coming his way.

Tony threw himself on the ground as a spear headed his way. He saw someone coming Stephen with a sword. "I don't think so." He blasted them into the fireplace. He got up and began to fight the intruders.

Stephen impaled someone with his blade, then kicked them to the ground.

Tony blasted someone away, but was brought down by someone else.

They rolled around on the floor, Tony ending on top, pointing a blaster at them.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"We're here for Stephen." Said the sorcerer, struggling.

"What's your business with him?" Tony asked.

"He must pay for what he's done. He is not who you think he is." He gasped. "The Ancient One..." The sorcerer groaned. "...he ki-"

"Tony!" Stephen called.

Tony looked around, an arrow heading his direction.

"Hah!" Stephen jumped in front of him and formed a shield, deflecting the arrow, causing it hit the person Tony was pinning down in the throat.

"Ah!" Tony gasped, backing away from the dead body.

Stephen conjured small yellow daggers and penetrated every inch of the archer who had almost killed Tony. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking back at Tony.

"Yes. I'm-" Tony caught someone in the corner of his eye coming and Stephen with a sword. "Hah!" He blasted them.

Stephen looked at the person Tony had blasted away, then back at Tony. "Thanks."

"How did they find us?" Tony asked.

"He's working with Dor-Uh!"

Tony jumped back a little. He was both frightened and aroused.

Stephen motioned his hand and drove a blade through the sorcerer who was still speaking. "Never mind that. We need to get this place cleaned up and find somewhere else to stay." Stephen helped Tony up. "Is there anywhere else you know that we could stay?" Stephen said, searching the body of a sorcerer hanging by a spear on the wall. He got their sling ring.

"Uh, yeah..." Tony said, watching Stephen opening a portal.

This was all very new to him. Since when was Stephen so violent? And the blood, it was everywhere.

"I have someone else I can go to..." He said watching Stephen drag bodies and dump them in the portal.

"Great." Stephen said, dumping a body in portal. "I'll go ahead and tell John that we won't be staying here any longer." He said closing the portal he put all the bodies in and opened another in the ceiling.

"Hey, how come these guys didn't have that purple mark on their face?" Tony asked.

"Don't worry about it." Stephen said, levitating up into the portal he created in the ceiling.

"Jesus!" John gasped, chuckling. "You scared me. What can I do for you?"

"He's a witch, John." Sherlock's voice came.

"A funny one isn't he?" Stephen chuckled. "My dear Watson, I have some rather disappointing news..." Stephen closed the portal.

Tony sat on the ground, still suited up. He looked down at the blood that was smeared all over the wooden floors.

Sir, I sense your heart rate quickly acc-

"Yeah. I know Jarvis-" Tony said, quickly reaching for the small trash bin to his left.

What he had had for lunch was no longer within him.


Stephen and Tony walked out of 221B on Baker Street, walking down the side walk.

Tony had his phone against his ear. "Hey, Ben. I've been good, how about yourself?" He conversed. "That's great. How're Sophie and the kids?"

Stephen kept walking, calling a cab.

"Great." Tony smiled. "Hey, listen. I'm here in London, and I need a place to stay."

A cab stopped next to them.

Stephen opened the door for Tony, who happily got in. Before getting in himself, Stephen turned around, looking up at the window of the building in front of him, spotting that curly haired asshole squinting at him. Stephen gave him a bitchy smile and raised a hand, giving a rude gesture before getting in the cab.

"Oh, thank you." Tony said. "I promise I'll make it up to you somehow. See you around." He hung up.

"So?" Stephen said.

"Batch will let us stay at his place." Tony said, smiling.

"Great." Stephen said. "Now let's leave before more Zealots show up."

The cabbie drove away from 221B.


"This place is huge." Stephen said as he walked in through the glass doors of the house he and Tony would be staying in.

"I wasn't expecting him to let us stay at the manor." Tony said. "But hey, at least we'll be living in luxury." He dropped his bags on the beautifully tiled floor.

The Cloak removed itself from Stephen's shoulders as he looked around. "I'm gonna take a shower." He said.

"Oh. Alright." Tony said. "I'll see what I can find around here to eat." He picked up his phone.

Stephen stopped at the doorway He was going through. He looked back at Tony. "You fought good today." He said.

Tony looked up at him. "I did?"

"You did pretty good for someone who knows nothing about magic." Stephen said, giving a smile.

Tony's cheeks blushed red. "Thanks." He puffed his chest out. "Well, you know me. I'm always ready for anything that comes my way and-"

"You still practice." Stephen said before walking away.

"Yeah." Tony said. "Of course. I'll see if I can order something to eat. You go and...do your thing. You wizard you." He said, sighing happily as he looked in the phone book.

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