A Favor

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Narrator's POV

"So, you became a doctor after all." Tony said, boiling some water.

"Well, I wouldn't say-"

"Oh, come on." Tony turned to him. "You'd probably still be wearing those ridiculous shorts if you weren't. Banana Republic doesn't come cheap." He took a sip of his wine glass.

And it's true. No one could really afford much with an average job in New York.

"Surgical technician actually." Stephen said.

"Ah." Tony said, turning to the kettle once it began to make its horrid screeching. "See you haven't lost your passion for helping others. Where do you work?"

"I worked in the Metro General Hospital." Stephen said.

"What do you mean "worked"?"

"I lived here for some years. I didn't know you lived here by the way." Stephen said. "It was all going great, until I had to leave to Kamar-Taj for training purposes. My house got taken away, so I decided to stay at Kamar-Taj. I come here every now and then to visit."

"Mm." Tony nodded.

Stephen laughed, taking a sip of his warm tea. "Oh." He said, remembering something. He placed the cup down on the small table in front of them. "I almost forgot." He said, opening the paper bag he had and pulling a small stuffed rabbit out of it. "Here's that rabbit you've been asking for since day one."

"It's about damn time." Tony said.

Stephen laughed, looking at Tony with a smile.

Tony looked back at him, smiling.

The two getting lost in each other's eyes.

Stephen looked away, chuckling. He got up. "My, would you look at the time?" He said, looking at his watch. "I better get going if I wanna catch a plane to the airport."

"Leaving already?" Tony asked.

"I'd love to chat more, but I really do have to go." Stephen said. "I lost my sling ring, so I have a long flight ahead of me." He smiled. "It was lovely seeing you again." He said before turning his back to Tony and walking to the door.

An idea popped into Tony's head.

"Hey." Tony called.

Stephen stopped at the doorway, still holding the doorknob.

An evil smirk formed on Stephen's lips.

"Yes?" Stephen turned to him.

"I own that huge tall tower here. The Stark Tower." Tony said.

Stephen listened.

"It's where our team, The Avengers if you haven't already heard, pretty much live." Tony said. "There's plenty of room. I'm sure I can book you in."

"What a marvelous idea." Stephen said. "Wonderful."

Tony smiled. "Come on. I'll take you there." He said, grabbing a pair of keys from the kitchen counter. "Pepper, I'll be back." He said.


Tony stopped in front of a tall tower.

"Here we are." Tony said, getting out of the car. "The Stark Tower."

Stephen stepped out, gasping. "Wow."

This building was huge.

"Come." Tony said, motioning his arm for Stephen to come close. "Let me show you around."

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