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Narrator's POV

"Ah!" Stephen sat up from his bed, gasping for air. He put a hand to his head.

All he could remember was falling into a dark and cold place, all the pain he felt.

His head perked up, and he removed his hand from his head and looked down at at it.

It wasn't shaking.

He looked at his other hand.

It wasn't shaking. Neither of his hands shook.

He gasped, tears of joy filling his eyes. Removing the sheets from over himself, he walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

Around his eyes was colored purple.

He waved a hand across his face and the mark was covered and hidden away. "That's better." He said, looking at himself.

No one could know. Not even Wong. Especially The Ancient One. This had to be kept a secret.

"New day, new beginning." Stephen said. He looked down at his hands, giving them a small smile before getting ready to start the day.


The Ancient One sat in the main room, where she once had met Stephen.

She was setting in a chair at a table, reading a book with a small cup of tea on the table.

She looked up when she saw one walk in. "Stephen." She said.

Stephen bowed. "Ancient One."

She pulled a chair out for him. "What brings you here?" She asked.

Stephen came in. "Thank you." He said before sitting in the chair. "I have come to apologize for my behavior yesterday. That was very childlike of me and not very professional." He said.

The Ancient One put her book down. "Oh, Stephen." She said. "I wasn't expecting an apology. We all go through pain and rough patches that others may not understand." She said. "I'm the one who owes you the apology, Stephen."

Stephen looked up at her.

She stood up. "I wish I could've warned you, but I knew if I did, you'd try to avoid it. Avoiding it would've caused a rip in the timeline and alternate the future." She said. "Your future is bright and blossom-full."

Stephen sighed. Now he was beginning to question whether he had done the right thing. "I-"

"I know things seem hard at the moment, but I know you will rise up again." She turned to him, smiling. "My hopes with you are high."

"Thank you." Stephen said.

She gave him a small nod. "What was it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked.

Stephen looked at her. "I..." He swallowed.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I did something." Stephen said.

She raised an eyebrow.

"I..." Stephen sucked in a breath.

"What did you do, Stephen?" She asked, looking at him suspiciously.

Stephen paused, his heart pounding hard in his chest. "Read some books." He answered. "On elevating the mind and soul."  

She eased up. "Good." She responded. "You'll need it." She went back to her chair and began reading again .

Stephen sighed in relief.


"Stephen?" Christine asked, as a tall man in medical scrubs stood with his back to her.

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