Chapter 26: From Paradise to Hell

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The airships coming from Vale had begun to arrive at the school. All the students who have been fighting to protect the school were strewn all over the courtyard, exhausted and holding themselves in pain. Professors Oobleck and Port were standing at the loading station. "That's it, everyone on board. This is a mandatory evacuation!" He called out, making everyone turn towards the two. 

Oobleck adjusted his glasses. "A safe zone has been established in Vale. Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!" 

As the two teachers were attempting to get everyone on board, Weiss, Gabby, and Elasia were standing with their hands covering their mouths. laying on the ground before them was Blake and Yang, the blonde missing her arm, the Faunas holding her abdomen in pain, and Abbi, on her knees crying. This was a bad moment for Ruby and Brian to run up to their friends. Zwei alerted the Ice Queen and she turned to meet the two. "Brian, Ruby!" Weiss exclaimed in relieve as she held Ruby's hands. 

"We found you!" Ruby exclaimed as she caught her breath.

"Where have you guys be-"

"Don't worry, we are fine," Brian cut her off as he shook his head. "What's going on?" Weiss held her head down in sadness. "Weiss?" He asked her as she stepped aside to show the couple the scene. Blake reached out and grabbed Yang's remaining arm, tears falling from her eyes. 

"I-I'm sorry..."

Abbi looked up at the two and then held her head down in shame. "I'm a failure. I wasn't...I wasn't fast enough. I am so sorry..." She cried out as she sniffled. 


Ruby looked horrified at the sight before her. "Hey..." Sun's voice made her look up at the monkey Faunas. "She's going to be okay. The soldiers have ships ready to take you guys to Vale," He said.

"But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing!"

Nora's voice interrupted the group as they all turned to her and Ren. "What!? Are you serious!?" Brian exclaimed in alarm. 

"Look guys, that giant Grimm keeps circling the school," Sun tried to bring up the obvious. "Even the White Fang are pulling out!  We all have to go, now!" 

"We're not...leaving!" Ren exclaimed, trying to stand up, but falling in pain, clutching his stomach. 

Brian looked down in sadness before frowning and looking up. "I'll find them," He said as everyone looked at him in surprise. "I am going to go find them and I will bring them back,"

"No," Brian got startled by Weiss as both her and Ruby walked towards him. "We will find them,"

"And I will go to,"

Everyone turned to see Autumn walk up to the other three, Brian glaring daggers at her. "And what makes you think I want you here?" He asked her, making her drop her head.

"Brian...I have been a terrible person," She said as a tear fell down her cheek. "I don't normally say this, but I am sorry. I am so sorry for all the bullshit I have put you through and I am sorry for hitting you with a cheapshot at the tournament. You don't have to forgive me, but no matter what, I am coming with you,"

Brian's heart sank as he heard these words as he looked away. "Fine. Have it your way," He said as he began walking in the direction of the school, being followed by his ex-crush.

"Watch after these three," Weiss told Sun, Gabby, and Elasia. "We'll be back," And with that, the four teens ran in the direction of the school, ready to look for the missing members of Team JNPR.

As they made it to the school itself, Weiss felt her Scroll buzzing. She grabbed it and saw that it was Jaune attempting to call her. "It's Jaune!" She exclaimed as she answered the call. "Where are you!?"

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