Chapter 22: What the Hell Happened?

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Welcome back everyone! I wanted to kick off this month with a bang and hopefully, fingers crossed, I can get the Volume 3 portion of the story out of the way before the summer of 2019. I really hope everyone is enjoying the story and here is the next chapter!

Team BAGE was woken up suddenly by the alarm on Abbi's scroll. Abbi, Gabby, and Elasia crawled out of their beds as they realized that today was their biggest challenge since arriving at Beacon. Without the guidance of Brian, who was still in the medical wing, Abbi was to take on Penny Polendina, friend of Team RWBY and representing Atlas.

"Well, it could be worse," Gabby offered as she began to put her sweatshirt on. "You could be Yang and have to take on Mercury. According to Elasia, him and the other two are completely untrustworthy,"

Abbi nodded and smiled. "No matter what happens, I'm gonna give it everything I got," she said as she looked out the window. "I have to. If I lose today, then Yang and Pyrhha will be the only ones representing Beacon. I don't want to put that pressure on them,"

"You'll be fine,"

The three turned around to see their team leader, limping into the dorm with a large smile on his face. "Brian!?" Elasia gasped in shock. "What are you doing here?!"

"Uh....I kinda live here?" He said calmly as he sat on his bed before gasping in pain. "Ooh, that didn't feel too good..."

Gabby put her hand on his back to make sure he was alright. "The nurse told us that you wouldn't be up and walking for at least another couple days," she said worryingly. "Why are you moving around?"

The musician looked up at his small friend and smiled lightly. "Well there was no way in hell I was going to miss this fight," he said to his team as he stood up with a pained expression on his face. "So I told the nurse that I was 100% and ready to go!"

Putting his hand on his chin, Brian pondered his decision. "You know, looking back on it, that probably wasn't the best desicion," he said laughing lightly to himself.

"Brian, I get that you wanted to support me today," Abbi said. "But you really should of stayed in the medical wing. We can't let you get hurt anymore then you really are,"

"I already said that I'm not going to miss this," the leader said, crossing his arms. "So I'll be damned if I go back into that bed and be nursed back to health. I've already been told multiple times that I'm not strong enough and that I should give up,"

The rest of Team BAGE looked at each other, remembering the words that Autumn had told him. "So c'mon," Brian said as he motioned them to follow him, limping out of the room. "Abbi has a fight to win,"

The rest of the team looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces, but those expressions turned to smiles as they followed their leader out of the room.

*At the Arena*

"Brian!?" Ruby exclaimed in surprise as her boyfriend hugged and kissed her on the cheek. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in bed resting!?"

The flute player shrugged his shoulders. "I'm fine," he said with a forced smile. "I couldn't miss this fight for anything!"

"Welcome back everyone!" Port's voice echoed through the giant arena. "It is now time for the second match of the semi-finals to begin!"

"That's right, my wonderful colleague," Oobleck said, with his usual fast tone. "You have already seen Miss Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon defeat Miss Cecilia Summers from Haven. The next two matches will determine who will go on to face Miss Nikos in the final triple-threat match to determine the winner of the Vytal Festival!"

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