Chapter 2: A Grimm Eclipse

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"How is that even possible!?" Brian yelled as he held onto his head in confusion. "Grimm aren't real! They are from RWBY!"

"I have no idea Brian," Abbi said as her and Brian began to run towards the band room. "This is crazy!"

The two made it to the band room, the flute player holding his flute tight in his right hand and Abbi breathing heavily. They turned around to see the marching band, each section counting their members. "Brian! Why weren't you here with the rest of the band!?" Bradstreet yelled before turning to the redhead. "And you. Why are you here? You're not in the band anymore, get to safety!"

Abbi glared at her former teacher before stepping forward. "Look Bradstreet, I could give two shits about what you think about me. Brian came looking for me to make sure I was okay, so I am grateful. Good thing for you, both Brian and I know what these creatures are, however, we don't know how to stop them,"

Bradstreet was about to yell back at her for her first comment, however he bit his tongue as he heard the color guard gasp. "EMMA IS MISSING!" Katie Shaver, the color guard leader yelled to the teacher. 

"Emma!?" Brian exclaimed as he looked at Abbi before running outside of the band room, not stopping for anyone calling out his name. The flute player ran back up the bleachers of the home team to find his smaller friend held up inside of the press box, as the creatures of Grimm were beginning to rock the small box. One of the wolf-like Grimm, known as Beowolves, began to climb up the side of the building, causing Emma to start screaming. 

"Get away from her!" The flute player shouted as he felt something wash over him.....he felt angry. He felt focused. 

Brian jumped towards the Beowolf scaling the side of the press box, grabbed his flute, and put it towards his lips. Playing a couple of notes, the flute itself began to transform. The mouthpiece of the flute curved downwards in his hand while the endpiece and the body of the flute shifted to create twin barrels. Instead of a flute, Brian now had a double-barrel sawed-off shotgun. He fired a red bullet at the Grimm, which made it explode on impact. 

Inside of the press box, Emma was panicking. She never once thought that her life would end like this, being eaten by strange black creatures that seemed to ooze in pure negativity. However, she was surprised when she heard Brian's voice outside near her. "Brian?" She asked herself quietly as she peeked her head up to look outside. 

There was the flute player, standing in complete shock and fear, until she noticed his expression change. 

"Get away from her!"

Emma noticed a strange aqua blue light coat his entire body before jumping into the air towards the strange creatures. To her surprise, the flute player put his instrument up to his mouth and played it, only for the flute to quickly transform into a gun. "Holy shit!" The ginger shouted as she felt the press box rock as she noticed the creature fall off of the side. 

Brian landed back on the ground, his gun pointed at the other creatures of Grimm, who quickly turned their attention to the senior. Never having really used a weapon to fight before, the flute player was mostly dodging, using the shotgun in his hand to mostly block swipes and counter attack with blasts at point blank range. Running up to him was an Ursa Minor, a small bear-like Grimm who was about to slash him from behind, but was stopped dead in its tracks by a kick to the head by one Abbi Timm. 

"Abbi?" Brian asked in surprise as he turned around to face his friend. 

"Well, I am not going to just let you fight by yourself," Abbi said as she looked at the weapon that was in his hand. "So, when were you going to tell me about that?"

"Uh....surprise?" He said slowly before shaking his head. "Honestly, I have no idea. I saw that Emma was being attacked and I just kinda.....snapped. And now apparently, my flute is a weapon,"

"Why are you guys so calm?"

They turned to see Emma coming down from the press box and running up to them. "So you might be a little surprised. We know what these creatures are," Abbi said as she crossed her arms. 

"What are you talking about? I have never seen anything like these except for real world animals!" The freshman ginger shouted.


"Wha-?" Emma asked before Brian pointed the shotgun in her direction, causing her to duck down. Behind her was a Beowolf, getting ready to try and slash the small girl with it's claws. The flute player shot it directly in the face, causing it to disintegrate in a black smoke. "T-thanks. What are these things?"

Brian sighed as he lowered his gun. "They are the creatures of Grimm. From a web series known as RWBY," He said before raising his hand to silence his friend. "I know that it's crazy. But how about we explain more once we get back to the band room,"

The trio quickly made their way to the band room, Brian in the front to make sure he could slay any Grimm who came towards them. They made it to the room and closed the doors behind them, running back towards the group of kids who were in there. Everyone instantly took a step back from Brian, noticing what was in his hand. "Uh...Brian, why do you have a shotgun?" Mr. Bradstreet asked with caution. 

"Would you believe me if I told you this was my flute?" He asked as everyone shook their heads. "Well it's true," 

He hit a switch on the bottom of the handle, the shotgun quickly reverting back to its flute form, causing everyone to look at each other. The flute player took a step onto the podium where the band teacher usually stood and looked at the group of people in the room, consisting of the entire marching band and multiple other students from the school, including Judah, who looked completely freaked out. "Hey guys. I know everything happening outside of this room is a little crazy. But there are still a lot of people out there that don't have any place to hide and I hate to say this....but a lot of people are dying. We can lower the amount of lives being lost if we go out there and guide people to safety,"

"You're crazy if you think we are going out there," Brian turned his head to look at who made that comment. It was one Tyler Lockwood, someone who has been causing Brian a lot of problems dating back to middle school. "I don't care if you somehow can make a shotgun out of your little pixie stick there, but I'm going to stay in here,"

"Listen here asshole, I am getting really sick and tired of your shit," The flute player, getting off of the podium and walking straight up to his bully. "I may have just gotten this shotgun, but I am now feeling like we have a chance to save people's lives. So you can stay in this room, sucking your thumb like a child scared of the dark or you can come help the rest of your school and help people get to safety!"

Tyler was fuming as everyone looked at him and shrugged. Brian led the group of people out of the band room, stopping Judah before she followed. " don't have to go if you don't want to," He told her with a small smile.

" I want to help," She said, returning the smile. "I might be able to lure some of them away with my singing,"

"Honestly, if that works, go for it," Brian said as he gave her a high five. He turned to the rest of the group. "Okay everyone, split up. One section is going to take the main parking lot, the other is going to take the actual school building. Your main goal is to lure the Grimm away from people," 

He led the group towards the main building while Abbi led the group going towards the parking lot. Tonight was going to be a rough run....more so than anyone thought. 

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