Chapter 12: Field Trip

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Brian and Ruby were getting into the elevator to go towards Ozpin's office to answer a few questions. The two looked at each other, both having a worried expression on their faces. "Come in," they heard Ozpin's voice say as they stepped right into the large office.

The musician apologetically looked at the three in front of him. "Sorry we took so long," he said as he turned to Ruby. "Someone pressed all the buttons on the elevator,"

"It wasn't me," Ruby said as Brian rolled his eyes.

"Thank you two for coming so suddenly. Are you both feeling okay?" Ozpin asked as they both shrugged.

"Kinda wish we were better at catching bad guys to be honest," Brian said, but noticed that the three adults were silent. "Okay, looks like this is the tone we are going for,"

Ironwood stepped towards the two students. "Brian, Ruby, I wanted to let you know that what both of you did last night is exactly what being Huntsmen is all about. You both recognized a threat and took action. You did your best," he said, making the two bow in respect.

"Thank you sir," they both said together.

Ozpin pointed to the two first-year students. "The general has already informed us of the events that....transpired last night. But now that you both are rested, we were wondering if both of you had anything to add?" He said, making Brian and Ruby think hard.

Glynda took a step towards them. "Was there anyone with her? Did she look familiar at all?" She asked.

"She was defiantly alone. But even against the two of us, she wasn't hit once," the musician spoke up.

"She didn't look familiar....she had a mask on. The person didn't say anything to us, so we wouldn't be able to tell from the voice," Ruby added. "She fought with glass though,"

"But that wasn't her semblance. Her clothes lit up every time she attacked," Brian finished.

Glynda put her hand to her chin. "Save for the glass, the sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby,"

Brian looked at both Glynda and Ruby. "You have fought this woman before?" He asked the two as Glynda nodded.

Ironwood decided to speak up. "Embedding dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone," he said.

Brian lightly smiled as he began to think of the thought of a cool looking jacket made of dust. He quickly shook his head. "Are you saying that this woman could be related to the situation involving Torchwick and the White Fang?" He asked, making both Ozpin and Glynda look at him confused.

"How do you know about that?" Glynda asked him, making the musician smile and rub the back of his head.

Ozpin decided to skip the question. "It's a possibility. But even so, we lack the necessary evidence to draw conclusions,"

This is where Ruby spoke up. "Actually....i vaguely remember her saying something about a hideout in the southeast. Just outside the kingdom," she said.

"Interesting," Ozpin said as Glynda looked at her.

"I thought you said the intruder never-"

"Thank you for cooperating Ruby and Brian. Why don't you two spend some time with your teams? All of you have big days ahead of you," Ozpin interrupted her as both Brian and Ruby nodded and began to walk back towards the elevator.


"No problem,"

"Miss Rose, Mr. Van Vorst?" They both turned around and looked back at Ozpin. "Please be discreet with the manner,"

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