Part 29

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                             feels like something is repeatedly hitting my head right now.

I open my eyes to find myself in a hospital room. What happened? I am so confus- the accident! How could I forget about that!? I mentally replay the past events in my head- my scarf, Aakil went to get it, and we crashed. OMG! Aakil! Is he ok? I have to see him because his injuries seemed way worse than mine! 

I try to get up, but there is a huge cast on leg! I try not to panic and think like a calm, sane person instead of rushing up quickly. Yep, that's right I am sane. Right, definitely. Think Kaaya, think! Thinking.....and bingo!

 I see the a button which is used to call a nurse to the room. I reach over, ignoring the searing pain my ribs and press it. Phew, that was a lot of work. Don't judge me, I am not lazy, just in severe pain! Moments later, a nurse comes running in, panicked. I try not to laugh at the look on her face. 

"Oh my god! You're awake!!" She practically yells. I cover  my ear slightly at her loud voice. 

"Yep. Excuse me, where am I and who brought me here?" I ask politely, my slightly shy personality kicking in. 

"You're supposed to be a coma! It's a miracle! And you can talk!" The nurse exclaims to herself, completely ignoring my important questions. Well, that was kinda rude. Was I not supposed to wake up or something. I clear my throat to get her attention again. 

"Oh! I am so sorry! And yeah, you are in Woodstown hospital now, one of the best if I may add." I raise my eyebrow at unnecessary commentary. "And I don't know who brought here exactly, but I am the one who found you sprawled in front of the hospital entrance. I quickly brought you in. Good thing you were here though, any later, and the injuries you sustained could have been worse." 

I try to take in everything she said. Who brought me in though? Wait a second. I am pretty sure Aakil did not as he had far worse injuries than mine...that reminds me! 

"Um, my friend, Aakil, the o-one that got into the accident with me... he i-is a human. H-he is just...wearing a costume with with tentacles!" I blurt out whatever comes to mind. Well, that was a stupid excuse. She probably already figured out he's not human.

The nurse starts to laugh. "Honey, I know he is not human. I also know that he is King Aakil of the Woods. Everyone in Woodstown knows him because we are not all human." I feel relief coursing through my veins. Oh thank god. She continues to talk. "I, for example, am woods creature, specifically a butterfly. I have wings, but I prefer not to show them to human patients." I nod, fascinated. It must be so cute to parts of another animal! 

Anyway, speaking of Aakil...

"Wait! Excuse me, do you know where Aakil is right now?

"He's down the hall. But, I am afraid I will have to take you in the wheelchair as you can't walk right now." I say a quick thanks and she goes to get my wheelchair. Meanwhile I try to move my whole body to see what hurts. Head? Ok, except for headache. Shoulder? Ow! Possibly a sprain. Ribs? Definitely. Legs? I am not even going to try. 

The nurse walks by in and helps me (very slowly) into the wheelchair. We wheel over to Aakil's room and I see him lying on the bed, possibly asleep. She wheels me over to his bed and tells me that she will back in 30 minutes. I look over to Aakil and he has an 2 arm casts, a leg cast, and huge bandage around his head. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Why did have to get the f*cking scarf? No one told him that he had to get it! Now look what happened. 

I gently hold his hand and squeeze it, praying that he wakes up soon. I don't know how long I have been waiting, but I feel myself drifting asleep...


When I wake up, Aakil is still sleeping, my hand still grasping his. There is note from the nurse on the bed. 

I didn't want to wake you up so I left you sleeping. If you need anything, please push the button for me. 

I smile, grateful that she didn't wheel me back to my room. I could feel eyes on me and I look up at Aakil. He's awake! My eyes widen and I hug him. He doesn't hug me back though.

Who the f*ck are you?" He says cooly, glaring daggers at me, unaffected by my hug.  

Little does he know that he affected me. Little does he know that my heart just broke. 

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