Bonus Chapter

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I know this is super late but i decided to make some bonus chapter! Please enjoy and help me reach 10k! Thank you so much!

it was good to be back. i missed Marc and Marsella :(

So, anyway, enjoy!

So, anyway, enjoy!

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Denpasar, Bali

I couldn't be more grateful that my relationship with Marc were going stronger than ever. We dealt with all the problems maturely, sit and talk like best friends, we even sharing a house together.

Our hands intertwined as the other dragged our suitcase. Yes, we were back in Bali. Marc agreed to spend Christmas in my hometown. Alex, Madre and Padre also came along—also, Kassandra.

It was a big step for our relationship, I know. Madre and Padre would eventually met both of my parents.

"I can't believe we're in Bali," Alex commented, his eyes lit with happiness. I chuckled, "welcome to paradise!"

I smiled to Marc then he gave me a light kiss, "welcome home, honey."

"You said it as if I haven't been here in a long time. I just flew back a couple of weeks ago," I exclaimed before turning to Madre and Padre, "how are you feeling?"

"A little tired, but it's okay. A little nap would be nice," Padre said smiling. I nodded, "Well, Jonathan should be here soon to pick us up."

I looked around and found him walking towards us, "Hey guys!"

He hugged every single one of us, including Padre and Madre whom gladly hugged him back. He was just got off the shower, I could tell by his mint scents.

He helped Madre and Padre with their luggage and began to lead us to Dad's car which was ridiculously huge, it could fit all of us.

Mom already cleaned the guest room for Madre and Padre. Alex and Kassandra would stay in Marcell's old room—since they were already a couple. Marc and I would share my old room.

Once we arrived, we took our luggage and put them inside my house.

"Hello, Julia and Roser, right?" Dad greeted them with mom stood beside him. They hugged each other. "Yes, and you must be Tristan and Terri. We've heard so much about you."

Dad smiled before leading them to the guest room while Mom made us all tea. The parents began chit chatting.

"Babe, what's the plan for today?" Marc suddenly asked, leaning on the door of my old room while I unpacked our suitcases. I frowned, "Marc, we just landed."


"So we need to rest for a bit then we can decide what we'll do. It's still morning, anyway."

"I don't come here just to lock myself in your house, Sella. It's Bali for goodness sakes!"

He stepped inside my old room, glanced at his surrounding before his eyes fixed on a photo frame of me and my family. All five in one photo.

"You looked so cute," he looked at the photo and then to me, "and you barely changed."

"I know," I smiled at him, closing back the suitcase. He then moved to the other frame which was Marcell and I's graduation photo—along with Ansel and Giselle.

"It was the one before the accident," I walked towards him. I kneeled down in front of the drawer and took my old photo albums. I didn't know what was gotten into me but I took them out anyway, the two photo album that meant a lot to me. I was either going to smile or cry so hard, I didn't know. But one thing I knew for sure was that I want to show my boyfriend what was in them.

I took his hand and dragged him slowly to my bed. We sat in the middle of them, our legs crossed. I opened the first one which was from my childhood.

I told him every story behind each of the photos—I didn't remember much but I did remember what mom told me when we looked at the album years ago. I kind of had a great memory, so yeah.

After a good one hour of laughing and silent crying, it was his turn to speak.

"Can I tell you something?"


He began telling me how he and his ex-girlfriend, Reina had the similar experience like us but it was the day before she died because of cancer. I cried not only because the love they shared for each other, but I knew what it was like to lose someone very special to me.

And sometimes, I still blamed myself for Marcell's death.

"You know I love you right," Marc suddenly asked. I laughed, "of course I do."

I leaned in and just when he thought I was going to kiss him, I quickly whispered, 'I love you too' and ran out of my room.

"Marsella!!" He groaned but I could hear his chuckling.

I laughed and ran to the living room where Alex and Kassandra were cuddling and watched TV, "hello lovebirds!"

"Hey Sella!" they both greeted me. But before I could answer them, Marc was already running towards me, so I ran away. we ended up running around the house, laughing.

Being the fast runner, he took me by my waist and hugged me from behind before attacking my face with a lot of kisses. I laughed, "Marc stop!"

"You are unbelievable," he said before Jonathan interrupted us, "Having a romantic time, are we?"

"Damn it, big Jo," I rolled my eyes while pulling away from Marc's grip. Jonathan laughed before smirking.

"Hey there Jo," Marc greeted him. He smiled, "Hey."

Then he turned to me, "it's great seeing you all happy again. It's been so long."

"It's not that long, Jo."

"Really? 5 years was long enough to have no hope."

"I'm not depressed,"

"You're still in denial."

"Whatever, I'm not having this conversation again. By the way, have you seen Dad?"

"In the front porch."

I nodded before leaving them two to catch up. I had plan of my own. I greeted him whom was chatting with Padre. "Hey Dad, mind if I interrupt?"

"No, honey. Why?" I took a seat next to him and turned to face him, "How's Uncle Marvin? Can we stay at his beach house and private beach? Maybe celebrate Christmas there? Or until new year's eve?"

Dad chuckled, "I had contacted him when I knew you'd be home and brought Marc and his family. We're leaving tomorrow."

"You are never not full of thoughtfulness, Dad. I love you!"

"Love you more, honey!"

And with that I hugged him and went back to my house, telling everyone to have a good night sleep because we would leave early in the morning.

Best wishes,



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