Chapter 14 | Friends?

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Edited 02.02.2019

Chapter 14 | Friends?

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Chapter 14 | Friends?

Assen, Netherland

After an hour chit chatting with the phenomenal Marc Marquez, I wanted to write about today's journey on my laptop so I zipped my bag open to looked for it but I also found my book went missing. "My book is gone!"

"What book?" he questioned.

"The wanderlust twins," I answered, "You have it again?"

"No, I swear to God. I don't have your book," He put his hands up in the air as if he said 'I surrender' or 'I didn't do it'.

"Where was the last time you see it?" he asked calmly. I anxiously answered, "I don't know. It never leaves my bag unless I took it out,"

He sighed, "when the last time you write?"

"I must've left it at the café. I read it while I ate."

"C'mon, we're going back to the café."


We came back to the café, met the waitress and asked her about the book. She gave us a note instead. I took it from her.

Marsella, I had your book. What a lovely book, it reminded me of the two of you. Spent every vacation outside the house. You can stop by to take the book, or maybe have a little chat. Here's my address.

Yours, Ansel.

My hand began shaking, all of this feelings came upon me. My body started to sweat and I found myself unable to breathe. I gave Marc the note and then my vision became blurry. I covered my ears as I heard the voices from the flashbacks.

"Why don't you try some? This tastes really good and has less alcohol."

"it was my fault,"

"No it's not,"

"Remember I love you."

"I'm sorry twinie,"

Marc dragged me to the back of the café where there was less people. He helped me sat. "Think about anything good, or imagine something happy."

"I can't." Chest pain became worse.

"It's okay, you're okay, everything okay," Marc softly said. His voice gentle and steady, "You take a breath as I count. Okay?"

I nodded. He started to count slowly why I inhale the oxygen and exhale the carbon dioxide. His hand squeezed my hand softly. "You almost there."

He stopped counting once I was able to breathe regularly. I sighed in exhaustion, twice in a day.

"How often did you get this?" he asked, and by looking at his expression I knew he was worry.

"I don't know, but one thing I know, I always had one when dealing with Ansel. Let's get going."

"Are you sure?"

"The sooner the better,"

We walked block to block and spotted a house near the park, just as the note said. Marc knocked the door. Less than 5 minutes, the door was opened and revealed a young man with jet black hair in his tall athletic figure. who else if it isn't Ansel.

"Hi, Marsella. Long time no see," he greeted me with smile.

"I just saw you at lunch," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. i managed myself from the trigger he could brought to me.

"Come on in," he opened his door so i and Marc could come in but instead of making my way inside, i said, "I just want the book. It's getting late."

"Oh c'mon Marsella, let me be a good host. One glass, I promise,"

"One glass of what?" i snapped, remembered he offered me alcoholic drink which i ended up drinking the whole bottle. i didn't want it to happened again.

"Tea, of course. i already gave up alcohol," he said but i didn't think he was being honest.

I glanced over to Marc whom gave me a nod. We walked in and sat on his living room. Ansel invited someone from his kitchen. She was gorgeous. Her tiny hands held a tray with four cups of tea. My eyes widen in instant.

"Marsella?" I stood up in disbelief. She put down the tray and hugged me tight, "I missed you so much!"

But i didn't hug her back. the pain started to rose in my chest. my hand formed into fits to fight back the pain, not to punch them in the face. i'm not that mean.

"Hi Giselle."

"You didn't tell me Sella is coming!" she protested to Ansel after loosen the hug. We all sat and talked. From what I remember, Ansel and Giselle dated since we were in tenth grade. They made the perfect couple in the world. "You two lived together now?"

"Yeah, we're engaged and decided to move here." Ansel put his arm around her waist as she leaned closer to her fiancée.

"Congratulation, dude," now Marc spoke and gave him a bro hug then hugged them at once.

"I'm happy for you," I hugged them for the first time in like forever. It was long-long ago, believe me. After what happened to Marcell, I withdraw myself from them.

Ansel handed me the book which I took straight away. "You know I just want to chat with you. Knowing if you're okay, or anything that was happened to you."

"Yeah, I'm fine, really." I lied.

"You still got panic attack. You're not fine," Ansel stated. He sounded really worry.

"I don't have one now. It's a progress," I say. Marc sat quietly next to me. He just listened to what we said.

"So, we're good? We have to make sure you're good with everything that ever happened to our friendship," Giselle's voice was quiet like she was whispering.

"Can we at least stay friends?" Ansel added. I nodded, "friend it is."

The three of us hugged each other as a symbol to our peace treaty. I sat down and finished drinking tea before headed back from Ansel's house.

"I'm glad you would stop by. See you again, Sella!"

"See ya!" I replied as we walked back to the hotel. Marc insisted to walked me because it was already late, like really really late. Almost midnight.

"Marc, thank you," I said to him. A smile plastered on my face. He frowned, "for what?"

"For everything that happened today. Especially, thanks for not asking about my story. I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"Aw, now you admit me as your friends. I waited so long for this to happen," He joked. I playfully hit his arm. Laughter escaped from my mouth, "you're hilarious."

"We're here." he said as we stopped in front of my hotel. "I should probably get going. Alex probably looking for me."

"I bet he did," i chuckled. He step closer to me and pulled me into a hug. "Night, Sella."

I hugged him back, "Night, Marc."

Thank You!

Kiarine 💙❤

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