Chapter 8 | The Adventure Begins

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Edited 02.02.2019

Chapter 8 | The Adventure Begins

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Chapter 8 | The Adventure Begins

Due to expired of my ticket to Bilbao which is so far from Cervera, I decided to change my next stop to Girona. I went there by bus. Around 10 in the morning, I was already there. I wandering around the tourism places. Took pictures using my camera.

'Okay Marsella, have a nice day' I thought to myself. First I visited Plaça dels Raïms. The smallest place here in Europe. Located in Barri Vell with only 24 square meter.

After about one or two hours of wandering around. My stomach growled in hunger. I glanced at my watch, "lunch time!" I dragged my feet to a local restaurant and ordered some food. After I ate, I decided to rest for a while before started wandering again.

The name of my family group popped up on my screen. Incoming group call. I happily slid the green call icon and answered them.

Marsella: Hello everybody!

Dad: Hello and how are you, sweety?

Marsella: I'm doing great, Dad. How about you and Mom?

Dad: We're healthy as well.

Marsella: How 'bout you big bro?

Jonathan: I'm great, as always.

Marsella: liar! I know you aren't.

Jonathan: Why's that?

Marsella: You miss me, so badly. You just don't want to admit it.

Jonathan: Nope I don't. You're the one forgetting me.

Marsella: I'm not.

Dad: Why do you guys kids have to fight. We're on the phone.

Mom: That's just how they show that they love each other. (we all laughed)

Jonathan: Last time she called me, she said about bumped into celebrity's. (I can felt him smirking even though we were on the phone)

Marsella: Really big bro? now?

Mom, Dad: How? Who?

Marsella: He bumped into me and then my bag was ruined.

Mom: So it was a He (Mom said in teasing tone)

Jonathan: Marc Marquez to be exact.

Dad: Whoa, the MotoGP rider.

Marsella: His parents and brother were all nice but him. I lost my passport because of him.

Mom: Did I told you nothing? How come you'd be so clumsy?

Marsella: This was different Mom, just hear me out. After I lost my stuff. I searched for a place to sleep at a neighborhood nearby. I got rejected twice then I moved to the next house. They were all generous to me. They let me stay the night until I found my things. And guess what? It was Marc's. I felt welcomed there. Marc helped me found my stuff and even bought me a new bag. I left this morning, right after breakfast.

Dad: He seemed responsible.

Jonathan : Careful not to fall sis (He laughed hard)

Marsella: Shut up Bro.

Jonathan: By the way, I have something to tell you. Have you seen the news?

Dad: What news?

Marsella: Since when I care about the news?

Mom: The politic situation?

Jonathan: no—no—no! The transfer news.

Marsella: You got deported back home?

Jonathan: No way! I transferred to CHELSEA for next 6 seasons! I just sign the contract yesterday.

Marsella: Have you lost your mind? You didn't get tour head hit, did you?

Jonathan: I'm serious Sel.

Dad: He is Jonathan, right? For real?

Marsella: I will say it isn't him but I'm afraid he is.

Mom: You signed with the blues?

Jonathan: Yeah mom, I did.

Mom: You have to take me and your Dad to London.

Marsella: Yeah, me too!

Jonathan: I'll set the schedule to you guys. Thanks for all the support. Couldn't have done it without my lovely family.

Marsella: Aw you're so cute. By the way, I have to go. Talk to you later?

Dad: Okay, take care, darling.

I hung up and started to walk around.


"OH MY GOD! MARSELLA!" someone shouted my name. I turned around to see who called me.

A blonde girl walked toward me. She was taller than me. She slid off her sunglasses revealing his blue eyes. I knew this girl.

"OLIVIA!" I shouted. She brought me into her warm long embrace. I hadn't see her in like 3 years and now I met her, "What are you doing here?"

"Just visiting my cousin. It has been two weeks since I got here," she said smiling, "what about you? Still traveling a lot, I guess?"

I nodded, "Yup, that's me. Hey why don't we grab some coffee and talk about life? I haven't seen you in like forever!"

She chuckled then nodded her head. We walked to the coffee shop nearby and ordered some cappuccino. Olivia, my good friend from student exchange program. She didn't change a bit. Still the same Olivia from 3 years ago. Huge smile, joyful appearance, but I guess she grew taller.

"Such a long time, eh." She began once we sat, facing each other. She then take a sip of her cappuccino.

"Yep, 3 years to be exact, in Bali, I guess?" I questioned unsure. She nodded and we both laughed.

"So, how's your life?" I asked her.

"Couldn't be more amazing! I will start my own patisserie,"

"Wow! Congratz. It's your dreams since you were kid! I'm so happy for you!" I rejoiced happily for her. She laughed, "I was wondering if you could come to Florence, you know, attend the grand opening. Please?" She asked with her puppy eyes. Of course I would say yes! but I hadn't seen her puppy eyes in a long time.

"uhm, i..uh," I answered.

"Please..please Marsella,"

I laughed, "of course, why would I say no to my one and only Olivia?" I teased her as she began to laughed hard, "Thanks! You're the best!"

"When is it?" I asked her already thinking of reschedule my whole plan.

"Two days away. We can fly together tonight. Stay at my apartment and you can help me prepare, as always."

Ah now I remembered. I always be her helping hand.

"Okay, I'll buy book a flight right now," I opened my phone and bought a flight ticket online, "you'll cover all my meals, right?"

"Ugh fine," she chuckled. "Ah and also I invited Alvaro and Peter."

"So it's a squad reunion then!" I claimed with huge smile appeared on my face.

"You could say that. So do you still have a crush on Alvaro?" She teased. I chuckled.

Alvaro Garcia, my best friend from exchange student program. He is Spanish-Portuguese, very humble and good-looking. I had had a crush on him but I didn't think I still have that feeling now.

"I don't know. I'm swamped. Don't really care about love-life right now," I laughed.

We spent the rest of the day touring the city and caught a flight at the night. 

Thank You!

Kiarine 💙❤

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