Chapter 18 | The Road-Date

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Edited 02.02.2019

Chapter 18 | The Road-Date

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Chapter 18 | The Road-Date

Tarragona, Spain

"TARRAGONAAA! Hoorayy!" I overjoyed beside Marc. I switched places to passenger seat as soon as my eyes got heavy.

"Where to?" Marc asked softly. His eyes still glued to the road. I opened my travel journal which had my where-to-go list. "Roman Theatre of Torraco."

He stopped the car due to red traffic light was on its duty. He set the GPS on his phone to lead us to Roman Theatre of Torraco. "Vale pincesa, suit yourself."

Soon after the light changed to green, Marc literally hit the gas really hard made me pushed backward.

"Don't you know the law?" I gave him sarcastic glare. He turned to see me with his unreadable face before looked back to the road. He slowed down.

"Do you always glare to people like that?" He shot me back. I quickly answered him, "Nope, just with you."

"So it's a special thing?" he asked. I know he used sarcasm too. But he still sounded like he was telling jokes. "Yes."

He entered the Roman Theatre of Torraco's parking lot and park my Revely there.

"We're here," said Marc as he unbuckled his seat belt. He then moved to unbuckled mine. I felt my heart beat really fast. What is this feeling? I got off from Revely, so did Marc. I carried my smaller backpack on my left shoulder. Marc locked Revely before led me inside the theatre.

I wandered every corner of this fabulous World Heritage Site which was selected by UNESCO. I took out my camera from my backpack to capture the ancient Roman theatre. How wonderful.

"Look, Marc. We can see the sea from here!" I know I sounded like a child but this is really awesome to me!

"Yeah, I couldn't lie." He intertwined our fingers. I let him hold my hand. It's kind of comforting actually. For the first time on a while I felt safe again.

We wandered along together for the next one hour. "Is Pilon street far from here?" I asked him. He was on his phone, replying texts from Alex which I had no idea what they talked about but he switched his app to maps after that. "According to this map, nope."

We walked off to the parking lot. I wanted to drive so Marc handed me the key. He suited himself at the passenger seat. I put on the GPS and started the engine.

"Did you enjoy this trip so far?" I asked him. He chuckled, "What do you think?"

"I don't know, honestly. That's why I asked you."

"That's a tough question, actually," he said. I bit my lip.

"Nah, just kidding. I enjoyed everything with you. Don't make that look." His confession did make me blush.

"You're ridiculous," I shook my head. A smile plastered on my face. I parked my Revely near the Pilon street.

One thing I loved the most in Spain was the magnificent architecture. Most of the building here had a kind of great architecture that last long. You know, something that didn't bring boredom to your eyes.

I captured the Pilon street with my camera before asking Marc to take a picture of me. "Marc, could you do me a favor?"

He turned to face me and smiled, "of course."

"Could you take a picture of me?" I asked, unsure if he willing to help me.

"Anything for you, cariño." I blushed when he took my camera. Why do I get blushed easily.

I posed, he captured. We even laughed when taking a break from one photo to another photo. Marc literally captured me from one corner to other corner of the street. He also took photo of us—or simply known as selfie.

"Oh my God! This one's cute." I rejoiced as I saw hilarious yet cool picture of me. "I'll changed my profile picture with this one."

"How about this one?" he showed another photo of me and him.

"This showed me you did a great job," I giggled happily. We continued to explore nearby.


Before we left Tarragona, Marc and I stopped at the beach. My mood literally get high when I heard him invited me to beach. Marcell used to call me the ocean child because of my love to the beach and oceans. I ran to the shore and stood above the white sand where the waves greeted me.

"Hey there oceans!"

"You talk to ocean. Interesting," He smirked as he came closer to the water. "is there anything else about you that I don't know?"

"Haha, find out one by one and tell me." I splashed water to him and laughed. We ended up playing on the water. Laughter and giggles filled our soul.

The sun came to say goodbye. Marc put his arm around my shoulder as the wind caressed our skin. I kind of used to his embrace right now, it warmed me a little. He then pointing at the sea with his free hand. "See that ship over there?"

"Yeah why?" I asked. Looked at his direction.

A long pause, "Nah, there's nothing. It's just a ship." He burst into laugh. I couldn't lie, I kinda found him cute when he laughed.

"Jeez, I thought you were serious!" I hit his arm playfully while laugh in disbelief.

"I can't believe you'll fall for that one," he admitted, still laughing.

"You're unbelievable." I laughed and rest my head on his shoulder. My arm was on his waist as we watched the sunset. "Marc?"

He looked at me deep in the eyes, "Yes?"

"What made you agreed to join this trip? You could've spent your time with Alex or Jose," I questioned him softly. I encouraged myself to stare him in the eyes.

"I'm afraid you might get lost."

"I'm serious, Marc." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He giggled, "I don't want you to get lost."

I think he hide something from me. There's a reason that he won't admit and the way he looked at me felt wrong. Why it hurt so much?

An hour later I already on my driver seat with Marc on the passenger seat. I told him I wanted to drive and he happily handed me the keys. "now remember, keep your eyes wide open, don't get sleepy."

"Ay-ay Captain!" I joked and drove to Valencia.

As the clock ticked by, we already half way to Valencia. Marc kept me company by talking and joking around and I liked it. He didn't seemed to bored at all just to kept me company. I caught him yawned several times but he didn't sleep.

"It's okay if you want to sleep. I know you're tired."

"Nah, I'm fine, really." He admitted. His hand began to unzip his bag and took out a bag of chips. He opened it and offered me, "want some?"

"I'm full." I politely said to him. He nodded and eat the chips. I glued my eyes back to the road.

Loud sound of squealing tires caught my attention. I could feel my heart beat fast. It followed by a long loud truck honk. "Marc" I called him in a low voice.


"Oh My God.."

Thank You!

Kiarine 💙❤

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